Growing up!

Holy smokes sportsfans.. if you could only see what I have been up to lately. Besides the every day "hum-de-dum"; tests have been taken, applications filled out, emails recieved, loans calculated, apartments researched, jobs searched, budgets planned, and I even went to Tai Pan on my own free will to look for DISHES. If you know me at all, you know I have a burning passion for Tai Pan and am always dragged in there by my ear by my sisters and mother...but this time, I went there all on my own. Ridiculous. I am in shock that it is already March!! What the heck? Where is the time going. Spring semester is half way over, and college applications are being submitted right and left. I can't remember if I have posted anything about my ongoing delema about where to go to school, I'm sure I have because it has been this giant elephant in the room for the past 324398 days but the good news is. after much deliberation with family, friends, heavenly father, and just about anyone that would listen... I finally figured it out! Thasss right ladies and gentleman... I will be attending the University of Utah come fall 2011. If I get in that is! Applications are due April 1st so I am working on getting that all done and sent in. I also applied for my backup school Weber State University... just as insurance. All the sudden the realization that I will be moving out on my own in only 5 short months has hit me like a freight train. Am I big enough? I am just a tiny baby girl still! I remember watching my older siblings move out around this time in their lives and they all seemed so old and mature! .... I am not old, nor to I feel mature enough. But I will tell you what sportsfans, I am So Excited. The thought of having my own little apartment, roomies, attending the school I have wanted to go to foorrrreevvver, living up in Salt Lake, close to two of  my seesters and their families has me absolutely giddy.Yes, I know it will not be all peaches and cream. Suddenly I will have to start thinking about rent, and food, and all of that Jazz but I feel like I can do this. At least if I just keep telling myself that ;]  I have just about accomplished my goal of getting my assocaites at Dixie and I feel like this is just exactly what I am supposed to do. And I don't know if you have any idea of what a good feeling that is! I am not moving up with any of my friends (as of yet.. still trying to convince some!)  and that is a little bit scary, but It is a new and exciting adventure and I can't wait! It's a weird thing, growing up. Just last year I was getting ready to graduate high school and had many, very... ambitious plans. It's funny how you take those plans, and alter them a little bit, change the time frame, add and subtract a few variables, and though you may have been disapointed at first that they did not "work out" exactly how you had planned, you realize, you are exactly where you need to be. I am so grateful for the life I live. Seriously, I am incredibly blessed. I am humbled by my amazing parents and siblings They are so supportive, even though they all worry like crazy, and sometimes have just a liitttle bit too much of an opinion, they are always there to back me up and for me to bounce ideas off of. So here is to growing up, and all of the cute dishes that go along with it.


  1. Awww, Baby doll I will be close by too!! We can play! I can teach you all the tricks for grocery shopping and keeping things fun. :D I'm so happy for you!!!
