Pros & Cons

Here is a list I have come up with of the Pros & Cons of Nursing Vs. Teaching. Input? Advice.

Please and Thank you :]


  • Always a demand- Everyone needs healthcare!
  • Great pay! - Do I see a Range Rover in my future? I think yes.
  • You basically get to wear P-jams to work errr day.
  • Not to toot my own horn or anything... but I look very cute in scrubs.
  • Interesting- what isn't interesting about the human body?
  • Semi sucky schedule. I am not a fan of working nights, or weekends....or holidays.
  • Though it is interesting, I can see it also being boring maybe? Charts, charts, charts..
  • High Stress
  • Programs are often ridiculous to get into, and very grueling and competitive.
  • No promise of working with children like I would like to do.
Teaching: (To clarify, I want to teach 1st or 2nd...maybe 3rd grade)

  • Killer Schedule! Seriously, teachers have it made.
  • Cute kids! I am good with kids!
  • Um, my very own classroom to decorate,organize, etc. 'nuff said.
  • You get to basically relive the best time ever, elementary school!
  • Planning fun activites constantly!
  • Working with the kiddos to have fun and learn too.
  • Amazing benefits
  • Could be home when my future children are home!
  • Job availability? Carlee doesn't think this will be an issue...and I quote "There will always be a demand...people aren't just going to stop having children"
  • Let's be real, the pay isn't all that great.
  • Lots of kids, allll day long.
  • I don't want people to think I am wussing out of Nursing. :]
Do you see my delema? Decisions, Decisions.... and the question is not "What can you see yourself being happy each day doing?" Because honestly, I can see myself being happy in either career. Blast.

1 comment:

  1. Teaching!
    Because then you have the same schedule as your kids do. My parents were both teachers. I loved it. They were always home at the same time as I was growing up. I volunteer in my mom's classroom and I seriously don't find anything more satisfying then helping the little kids. She teaches like 9 year olds. They are seriously so cute!

    But I'm not one to talk. I'm doing Dental Hygiene over teaching because the pay is better and its less years of school...
    I wouldn't worry about job availability though. It's not like teachers are going to just stop being needed.

    Either would be great though. I just couldn't do the shift work of nursing!
