March Recap

I can't tell if this month fleww by, or took forever to decide to be over. But in any case, it has ended, and it is now April! This month had lots of things going on! (As you can obviously see by my jam packed Calander) ;] here are a few of the highlights:
  • A good friend that I work with Krystal got Marrrrrriied! Could not be happier for Jon and Her. They make such a great couple and are so deserving of one another. I can't believe it has come and gone. I remember months ago when they had just decided to get married. Man, time flies!
  • I finally got my little car fixed! AND registered. That's right peeps, my car has been past due since October. And I did not get pulled over for expired plates once! I even got in a accident and the police officer didn't cite me for it! Aww yeah. Anywhoo.. my car is now fixed and running well.
  • I got big into Zumba this month with Danielle, seriously I did it almost every night. It was so fun and a great workout! I really need to get back into that.
  • I got to take a little roadtrip down to Las Vegas with Danielle to visit Don and Peggy for a day/night and it was the best! Sooo good to see them again! We had so much fun shopping around, eating, and they treated us to see the Broadway show "Jersey Boys" so good! Also, I drove! My very first time driving anywhere bigger than St. George! Terrifying...but hey, I'm still alive.
  • Tay and Dar came down for a little fun filled weekend. Filled with food, "Just Dance" and lots o' laughing. Sure is nice to have family only a few hours away.
  • Cameron hit his 5 month mark! Doing soo good. Proud of that boy!
  • Spring break!! Stayed in good ol' Stg. And worked a 40+ hour week... but it was nice nonetheless :]
  • Peggy got brain surgery! A quick decision by her doctor and 20 staples later... she is doing great!
  • Kenz was born in this month. And of course her day was celebrated.
  • Lady GAGA came to Las Vegas! Katelyn and I had planned to go, but unfortunately we were a tad too late purchasing our tickets.. booo..
  • Baby Addison was blessed! We made a quick trip up to SLC to spend time with family and all be together for a special occasion.
March, thank you for being good to me! And thank you even more for the warm weather you brought! I will miss you. April, show me what you got!

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