"That's just West-Nile waiting to happen..."

There are few things I hate about spring/summer. It's hard to find things to complain about when there is no school (Unless your sort of a fool and decide to take summer semester....) no cold hair causing my body hair to grow at an abnormal rate, no layers and layers, and for some reason you just feel prettier in the summer. Am I right? You've got a nice tan going, and it's easier to get ready; throw on some shorts, sandles and a T and your good to go. There are two things however... that really just get the best of me. And no, It is not the 100+ degree weather that Stg often experiences.

  1. Allergies: For real? Is it necissary for me to sneeze a minimum of 4 times every time I step outside? How about the watery eyes, runny nose, scratchy throat...and my personal favorite ITCHY EYEBALLS. If you know me at all, you know right around this time I about pop my eyeballs right out of socket by itching them so furiously. Yep, definately could do without the allergies.
  2. Blood-sucking pests: Thasss right, you know exactly what I am refering to don't you? I was just seconds ago reminded of my hatered towards mosquitoes. Or "Bats" as my mom likes to call them. I don't know why I am so frightened of them, probably due to the time that I was in Mesa visiting Cole and Jeff, and they were everywhere. And well, it was just "West-Nile waiting to happen" There is only one thing I hate more then the actual mosquitoe itself, and that is killing the little bugger. I literally just begged my parents to get out of bed and kill this thing for me. No go. So I was left to fend for myself and commit murder. It was terrible. Can't wait until I have a big hunky man to do that for me one day!

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