Crasssy Little Life.

I have totally been neglecting this blog.
Furrr real, I have been terrible.
But that just means I have been busy.
So I guess i'll take it!
I can't decide if I want life to slow down just a little.
Or keep going at this pace. 

Let me just give you a little taste of what's been going on.
  • Amazing STG weather= Lots of laying out!
  • Lots of Laying out = Little studying.
  • 2 more weeks of school. I can do this!
  • Summer just right around the corner.
  • Meeting lots of new people... loving that!
  • Work, work, work.
  • School,School,School.
  • Spending LOTS of time with my BFF which is always a plus.
  • Slowwwwly, but surely, figuring things out.
It's been busy.
Some days I literally forget to eat.
I have not been to bed before 2am for 2 weeks.
I have no idea how I have any energy.
I'm starting to realize you need study.
But you know what, It's Been Fun.
I'm doing things I want to do.
With people I want to do them with.
Accomplishing goals, figuring things out.
Moving onward and upward.
I am truly blessed.
And I realize that more every single day.

Happy Easter Errrbody!
Here is a little food for thought, that Always brightens my day. :]

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