Oh Mr. Sandman.

Last night I had a dream about the boy.
I always look forward to those nights.
Sometimes I even will myself to dream that way..
or at least that is what I think.

But last nights dream,
I may or may not have been able to do without.

We had just been married
Insert Mom quote: "Where have I heard this before?"
and he had left and forgotten something.
Insert another Mom quote: "Like you?"
In my dream I thought "I need to call him"
at this point I woke up,
Reached over, grabbed my phone,
tapped my screen a few times to my favorites
and hit his smiling face with my thumb.

Then I really "woke up"
and realized he was not there,
and would not be answering.
and that it was in fact, a dream.
And I would be lying if I said it wasn't sad!

As much as I love Cam dreams.
some nights I could do without the vivid reminder.

Oh Mr. Sandman,
Please only bring me good dreams tonight :]

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