"True Rebel"

Here at Dixie State College
there is a thing called  "D week"
and at the very end of all the weeks festitvities.
there is one particular festivity
"True Rebel"
Such an activity may be frowned upon.
but really, it's tradition peeps!
Here's the skinny...

Friday night there is the D dance.
everyone dances and has a great time..
yadda yadda.
at about 11:50 everyone gathers here at this fountain.

at this point the fountain is filled with bubbles,
and lots of shoeless people.
There are the people dressed all fancy from the dance.
there are the people that just come for this particular event.
There are the lovey dovey couples;
there are the boys holding "Fast pass to True Rebel" signs.
There are the random boys and girls standing around eyeing each other like pieces of meat.
And then when the clock strikes 12am.
All heck breaks loose,
or should I say, all lips are loose.
Kissing everywhere.
Maybe you know them, maybe you don't.
But none of that matters at 12am at the Dixie Fountain.
Because you just became...

A "True Dixie Rebel"
Which really doesn't even make sense seeing as they changed our mascott to "The Red Storm" ... But whatevs. I suppose "Rebel" sounds much better than "True Dixie Red Storm"

1 comment:

  1. Haha they totally got that from our "True Aggies" night. ;)
