Holy Balls.

Let me apologize if you are offended by the title of this post.
I just couldn't help it.
Probably why I made the switch to Private.
So the whole world doesn't think terribly of me.
Just my closest friends and family.
Movvvving on. 
Ocassionally I get a "bee in my bonnet" as mom says.
and I have this crazy urge to cook.
Or bake.
Or craft something.
Really, though. It comes on about once a month.
(I've noticed it is usually right before my monthly gift)
My aplogies.
This month, I was at work and noticed a mag article about..
"Cake Balls"
And that little bee snuck right underneath my bonnet.
Because I flew out of workstraight to the Wal*Mart
for some delicious cake ball ingredients.
Ladies and Gentlemen..
this is what yours truly created.
aren't you proud.
So domestic.
One more for good measure.
They were delicious
Even Mom thought so..
After of course she got over the initial shock upon walking in the door.
That I had made these delectable desserts.
While she was H-core dieting..

1 comment:

  1. We made cake pops about 2 weeks ago & topped them with green sprinkles in honor of St. Patty Day. I like that you rolled them in nuts. Mmmmm!
