Viva Las Vegas!

This last week Cams parents were going to be in Las Vegas for a BSU basketball tournement; Spring break is this coming week and I had planned on going to Idaho for a little visit, but Peggys surgery was moved up to next week so I decided to take Danielle, and take a quick little trip down to see Peggy and Don  in Vegas before her surgery. That is right, I drove to Vegas in my little Mazda, and I did so good! Cams parents even said they would make sure to tell Cam what a great job I did, because for some reason; he thinks I am the worst driver out there (You almost run ONE stop sign and all credibility is lost) Anywhoo, it was great fun and I am really glad that I was able to make the trip to see them. It was so nice to see them again, but I would be lying if I said it didn't make me miss the boy just a little more than usual. Thanks for all the fun guys!
Don, Peggy and myself at "Jersey Boys" Soo good!
View from the top of our hotel!
Gotta love those Marriott discounts.
(Don't mind the unkept hair..)
Danielle and I tasted 18 flavors of coke..
from 18 different countries.
It was... an experience!

"Where are the lions?"

All in all, it was a fabulous little mid-week getaway. I am so lucky to have such great people in my life. Seriously, I realize it errr day how truly blessed I am to be surrounded with people I truly love! And I guess they kind of love me too! (Or they pretend to...but hey, I'll take it!) Thanks again Rickers and Danielle for all the fun! ....and all of your faith in my driving capabilities.. 

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