One Way?

It seems like I am constantly changing my mind. I swear in the last six months I have made plans to study abroad, move to Salt Lake, Move out in St. George with my best friend, Stay at home and never leave my parents house, quit my job, stay with my job for the rest of my life, get my masters, drop out of college immediately, move to a 3rd world country, never leave the United states, run a marathon, become a big fatty couch potato.... are you getting the point? I feel like I can never make up my mind and it is incredibly frustrating! My latest frustration? What to major in. I know right? For what seems like the last 4+ years I have geared everything to being in the Health Care field and recieved nothing but praise for my decision. "It's such a great field" ..."There will always be a demand" .... "You would make a great nurse" ..... "I wish I would have done what you are doing" ....."The pay is great!" ...etc, etc. Did and done. Nursing it was. Lately, I have been trying real hard to figure out what direction I want to take, how I want to approach my schooling seeing as I will be graduating with my AS this summer, I need to start thinking about what steps to take next. Nursing was just causing me a ridiculous amount of stress. So this last weekend I was venting to my mom about all of this and I told her "Forget Nursing! I'm going to hair school!" .... while we both agree that it would be great to have a hair person in the family, we came to the conclusion that seeing as I never have any desire to do anybodys probably was not the right field for me. She did ask me however if not Nursing, what else I had considered. And it was clear as day; teaching.  When I told her that has crossed my mind multiple times she stated that maybe it was a prompting. The more I think about it, I think she may be right. So there it is peeps, I am considering Teaching instead of Nursing. There I go chaning my mind again. But you know what? It came to me tonight that there is absolutely nothing wrong with changing my mind. Because right now, I CAN. I have nothing tying me down, and really nothing to lose. I can do what I want, where I want, and change my mind a million billion different times because that is what 18 year olds are supposed to do. Change their minds, figure things out, test the waters a little bit, and figure out who they are, what they want, and how they are going to get there. It's a little bit exciting don't you think!? I have always been one of those people that always like to have a plan. I like to know where I'm going, and how I'm going to get there; right now. So here is to putting my trust and faith in the Lord and myself, changing my mind 100 billion times, making up my mind, figuring out who I am, and what exactly it is I want. I am confident that one day, I will end up exactly where I want to be, and exactly where I am supposed to be.

Whats my latest interest you ask?

Volunteering for 5 months in St. Petersburg Russia January 2012-June 2012 with Internation Langauge Program with a good friend teaching english to children! And yes, my parents are just thrillllled ;]

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