
Today I was at Walmart picking up a few essentials.
Trying to find a few simple things I could mail to Brazil.
....things that would get there in one piece.
And not be too corny.
But let's be honest. I failed.
I just love the corny-ness of Valentimes.
Poor Cameron.
As I was in the card Isle,
rummaging through ridiculous Valentines Cards
I noticed these two.. .

Tell me this is not the cutest sight to behold.
Yes, I was definately a creeper and snuck a picture.
I am in love.
I hope one day my husband spends a significant amount of minutes,
in the card isle.... attempting to find the perfect card.
even when he is about 70+ years of age.
hahahah.... sooo cute.

Post Script.
This is the Card I ended up getting to send to Brazilia!
.... This little guy looks JUST like Bugzee.
I'm betting Cam will be pleasently suprised.

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