's easy as Uno Dos Tres!

Age: 19 years old baba!
Bed size: It is a full
Chore you hate: Oh man, this one is a toss up. For as long as I can remember I have completely loathed sweeping the floor. No idea why, just hate it with a stinkin passion. Or the dishes, I hate those too.
Dogs: I grew up with two big golden retrievers One named Lady, then after she died, Dixie. After Dixie ran away... we inherited Tito.. a little mutt dog. Then I wanted a puppy, after many hours of begging and pleading... Cam got me a "Bug" puppy... affectionatly named, Bugzee. Also little.
Essential start of the day: Let's see... hitting the snooze a minimum of 5 times? I joke, I joke.. but seriously.. that one always happens. I would say breakfast... but I never have time. I could say morning prayers, but I am not very good at those (Getting much better though!) let's be real here.. whenever I wake up the first thing I do is go to the bathroom, then brush my teeth.. then shower. It just always has to happen aight?
Favorite color: It really changes all the time. Right now I am really liking yellow, but I also love white. White is a staple in my favorite colors. And yes, to me, white is a color.
Gold or silver? I normally always say silver. Butttt lately, Gold is catching my eye as well. Gold has it's place.
Height: 5'9... thanks Dad.
Instruments: I played the piano for a couple years. Begging and pleading with my mother to let me quit, thee whole time. Now, I don't play, and I am begging and pleading with her to pay for my lessons again :]
Job title: Marriott Front Desk Associate or.. Travel agent, miracle worker, mind reader, resturant critic, local informationist, housekeeper, physciatrist... you take your pick!
Kids: None right now...I don't think? Kidding mom! No kids now, not for a verry llong time. However, I do love them!
Live: How vague "live" and i'm supposed to answer this based on just "live"? Well, I am currently living and breathing. I live in the world, in the US, on the West side, In the beehive state, in washington county, on a street named after a flower, in a house that is yellow. Before that, I lived in California. Soon, I will be living a few continents away, noo big deal.
Moms name: I like to call her "Momma Cita Bean Barita". Dad likes to call her "Momma Bear", the grand-infants call her "nana", Cam calls her "vickie Viper".
Nick names: Kaity-kat, Freddy, Froggy, Sally-soo, Yens, Mobile [mo-BEEL].
Quote from a movie: I have always loved the quote from Ever After
"A bird may love a fish sire, but where would they live?"
Right or left? Right handed, left footed.
Time I wake up: Majority of the time, 6:30 ish.
Undies: Love them! But, I do hate spending money on them.. because nobody sees them at this point!
Vegetables you dislike: Mushrooms, I hate mushrooms. Cucumbers, bleh, I hate those too.
What makes you run late: Oh man, everything? I sleep-in, I take too long of a shower, I decide to eat breakfast, I dink around on the computer for too long, I talk to my parents too much... the list really could go on for days.
Xrays I've had done: Teeth & my head once.
Yummy food I make: I cannot cook.. but once in awhile I will make breadsticks, and those are yummy?
Zoo animal: When I go to the zoo, I am always facinated by the giraffes, and the elephants, and the monkeys, and the tigers and lions.... yeah, those five.. oh! And the penguins...six.

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