
Today friends, 
Marks the 11th month that Cameron Dale has been on the Mish. 
Eleven Stinkin Months. 
30 days and he's been gone 365 days. 
Time kinda needs to slow down. 
Just a tad. 

Now, for your entertainment.
สิบเอ็ด things that have happened since Cam has been gone. 
  1. I have finished 2 semesters of school. Working on my 3rd. 
  2. I decided to move to Thailand for 5 months. 
  3. Three new babies were born! Two on the Ricker side, one on the Jensen side. 
  4. Bugzee celebrated his 1 year old birthday. 
  5. I got in my very first car accident. 
  6. I made my very first drive solo to SLC. 
  7. Cameron got old, and is no longer a teenager. 
  8. My house had a foreign exchange student for 2 weeks. 
  9. I finally got a calling in my college ward. 
  10. Cam has had 248973 baptisms. 
  11. His mom got major surgery 6 months into his mission. 
Happy 11 Months Elder C-Rick.
I feel like we are clearly awesome. 

*For those of you that are terribly confused... "Onze" and "สิบเอ็ด" are both "eleven" in Portuguese and Thai. * 

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