So. Fraacckkking excited.

Sometimes I have these moments. Remember a few posts down when I mentioned that I am crazy? Well that is still true. I honestly feel like I am Bi-polar sometimes... but that is a different story, cause I know ya wanna hear it! Anywhoo... lately I have just kinda been in this "oh.. yeah, that's right... I am going to Thailand... woopie" mode. I think it is because the whole process is just kind of at a stand--still right now. I'm making payments, working on fundraising, annnndd that is pretty much it. I have no idea when I'm actually leaving, though I know it is sometime in January.. or who is going to be in my group, or where i'm flying out of, or when my training dates are... none of that will be available for about another months. So the amazing Thailand trip has kiiinda been put on the back burner with everything else... what's a girl to do!

But this morning I had a moment as I was procrastinating my assignment for a class I have in about 3 hours. I was blog-stalking this girl who is currently in Thailand with ILP and all the sudden... I fell in love! Not with the girl, no, that would be weird... I like boys. But just Thailand in general. Everything is soo pretty and different and Greeen! And the kids, oh man. Those kids I know are going to tug at my heart strings like no other. Is it illegal to take kids across the border? Because I might. I know this is going to be a once in a lifetime opportunity and I feel so thankful and so blessed to be given this chance! I am so fraccckkking excited.  Holy smokes people, 3ish more months!?! I can't even stand it. If I love it so much already... and i'm not even there... I may never return :D

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