Saw this. Loved this. Copied this.

I was blog stalking this blog the other day and saw that she had posted a bunch of music videos of songs that reminded her of different times in her life. I immediately loved the idea. How many times has a song come on the radio or turns up somewhere from the dungeons of your ipod, and we are immediately taken back to one specific moment in time. No hesitation whatsoever, we are there in that moment again. It's funny how that works isn't it? How hearing just one song, or even smelling just one thing and we are instantly taken back.
Good ol' LFO Summer girls. I literally think it is impossible not to like this song. How could you not love a few overly bleached, overly tanned boy-band men singing about girls in the summer? Ya seee what I mean? This song remindes me of the first time I ever went camping.. that I remember anyways. I was little, and we went to Cedar Mountain with our new camper all hooked up. I drove up with Kenz and my brother Nate and we played this song over and over again, and ate red vines. I just remember being really happy and excited! I remember hoping that one day, some bleached boy would sing this about me. Back off alright, I was young! 

TLC Unpretty. hahaha what a terrible song of my youth! I remember sneaking into my sisters room to watch MTV (which was prohibited at 7-8 years old in the Jensen home) to watch this video. Sometimes if I miscalculated and they were in the room, they would let me stay and we would watch, and dance and they would teach me how to slow dance. They would be stand me on the bed and say I was the girl, and they were the boy. Then they would put their hand on my bum and proceed to teach me what to do if a boy ever tried that with me. Man, I wonder if I have ever thanked them for that. Anywhoo, I always remember being so confused at the part in the video where it shows breast implants. I had nooo clue what those were. Ohh the innocence.
This song. We all know Cam and I met at EFY 2006 and the rest is history. What we often forget is that Cam and I hated each other and his  best friend and I actually had a bit of a thing that whole week. A "COW" if you whill... "Crush Of the Week". So at the last dance of EFY when we were all sooo terribly heart-broken to be leaving each other and yadda, yadda... this song came on for the last dance. Spencer and I were dancing to this, naturally. I remember he sang part of it to me and I freaaakin fell in love. hahah not really, but I was about as smitten as 14 year old girls come. I was convinced the world could end right then and there and I would be perfectly okay with that. 
This song is such a happy memory song. (And I just thought of another one too.. soo brace yourself!) Cam and I had driven up to Idaho to visit his family for the weekend and I had made us 2349832 mixed CD's for the drive. (Go ahead and laugh allll you want Cole and Jeff... I know it's comin!) So on the way home I could tell Cam was getting tired and I begged and begged and beggggeddd for him to let me drive. But he is stubborn, and macho, and stubborn... and probably didn't think I was that great of a driver so he wouldn't let me. Finally, with my charm and maybe a little bit of fatigue on his end, I convinced him! I took the wheel and he took a nap. Or tried. I probably played this song over at least 12 different times the whole time thinking Cam was asleep. I remember being very content. Very, very content. Singing along to a song I loved, the boy I loved sleeping next to me, and finally getting to drive Cam's precious Malibu. Little did I know Cam did not sleep a wink, and the cute kid listened to that song 12+ times without making a peep, just so I could feel cool like he trusted me enough to fall asleep while I drove. Which clearly he didn't. Rude. 
Soo.. this is not Garth Brooks.. but he is pretty good too! I remember the most random stuff about this song. Again, I was with Cam, and again I was playing this song over and over again (I tend to have that problem). We were sitting at the light on 100 S. and River Road in St. George and I started it again. It was a little rainy that day. Cam looked at me and just rolled his eyes and I started singing along. After a minute he turned down the volume and said two things I have a hard time forgetting. First, he told me the part "a little crazy but it's nice" reminded him of me to no end. Thanks punk.  He said if he was ever to write a song about me, it would have been this song. Then he told me I had a really beautiful voice (he was lying of course) and he told me he wanted to hear me sing more often.. and that the "whisper singing/humming" I do in church, doesn't count. 
Really any Matchbox 20 song takes me back to when I was 8 years-old and our family vacationed to Disney Land. We were in dads blue and white truck and it was kind of a tight squeeze, but we somehow all managed. I think dad had just gotten the new matchbox CD, or maybe it was the boys.. but we listened to that thing all the way through, at least 6 different times that trip. I remember being uncomfortable in the back seat with the boys so I crawled down and laid on the floor listening to the hum of the engine beneath me and Rob Thomas sing me to sleep from the speakers. 

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