A liiiitle bit of craziness.

One measssly little week until I leave St. George. 
One week + 2 days until I leave for Thailand 
Here's a little peak at what my madness of a room looks like lately. 
The gray bin I have been tossing things I need to take with me
for the last X amount of months. 

My beautiful Suitcases all tagged, and ready to be filled! 

Final flight itinerary printed and ready to go! 

And heree is the beginnings of my packing list. 

This week has been a bit nutso with working evvvery day
but it's still be a killer slow week!? Whaaa? 
I guess that means i'm excited?  
Yes, I guess so! 


On the Eve of Christmas. 
The funniest conversation ever took place between my 11 year old niece and I. 
it went a little something like so... 

Hailey: " Come sit on Santa's lap and tell him what you want for Christmas!"
*Pats her lap ever so Ho-Ho-Ho-ee* 
Me: "Ummmm.....I want my boyfriend home from his mission!!" 
Hailey: "I'm sorry...I can't do that" 
Me: "But your SANTA!!" 

Hailey: "Yeah, and Santa works for Jesus" 

Holy cow. I love my family. 
Happy Christmas errbody!  

LESS than 2 weeks.

Until I leave my family, my bed, my own room,
my bathroom, my friends, my quaint little city,
my puppy, my Utah and all my comforts.
For this.

Where I will be spending my time,
teaching these adorable kids.

Spending some time lounging on beaches like so.

Having adventures similar to this one.

Eating food as yummy such as this.

Probably attempting to kill a few of these.

kjfalksdjfal;skdjfasd;lfa I can't believe it's here already.
And as my Christmas present to you..
I promise, no more countdowns to my trip!!
Until the actual day of departure...
no more Thailand talk.
Lucky ducks!

Merry Christmas!

I'm going to Seattle!!

Could this week get any better? I got to spend Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and a good chunk of today with my most favorite Rickers (more on that later). Tonight, I get to see my magnificent mother and father and in about 30 minutes..I am boarding a plane to a place I have ALWAYS wanted to visit....Seattle Washington!!

Okay--so it's just for a quick 15 minute plane change, but STILL! I could not be more excited. I don't even care that I have been sitting in the Boise airport for the last 5.5 hours, and that my plane has been delayed--thrice, or that they have had a "gate change" from B15 to B17 at least 4 times in the last five hours, or that I just spent $10 on a quiznos sub...and $8.50 on some magazines for the plane that I have been avoiding reading while I sit here, so that I have some entertainment on the plane. I don't even care that by the time I crawl into bed it will be 2:30 at least, and that I have to be up at 6:30 for work!

Flight 1438, Delayed service to Seattle....Here I come!!

I'm a big kid now, hey!

So here I sit in the Las Vegas airport...at gate B15 and I would be lying if I said I didn't feel like such a big kid right now. My parents took me to the curb, helped me unload, gave hugs to my dad...hugged my mom, checked in, made my way to security, made it through security, and found my gate ALL BY MYSELF. Did I already say that I feel like a grownup? Cos I do. But it was a little difficult to give hugs and say bye to mom and dad, and take off all on my own. And that just makes me think it's going to be all the more difficult just a few weeks from now. Great :/

But for now, I'm off to Idaho to see my favorite Rickers and I could not be more excited! I have been looking forward to this trip for months and I can't believe it's already here :]

26 Days and flight details!

Hiiiiiii....are you annoyed of me yet? I feel like all I do is post about Thailand and my excitement for it. But you know what, I am excited, and this is my blog. So you can just sit back and bite the wall! 26 days from today I leave for the "Land of a thousand smiles" which is great for two reasons--I really like smiley people...and it is also the night before school would be starting, and I will be on a plane as far away from school as humanly possible. This week, I also got my flight itenerary and that added a whole new level of excitement!! It goes a little something like so..

Depart SLC at 8pm on Sunday January 8th for LAX-(2hr flight)
LAX to Seoul Korea at 11:50pm- (2hr L/O + 13.25hr flight)
Seoul to Bangkok 8:15am-(2hr L/O + 6hr flight)

Land in Bangkok Thailand at 12:15pm January 10th, 2012.
Would somebody like to pinch me now?
'I'm leavvvin on a jet plane......' 

I love my mother.

Because she "accidentally" 
takes my list I made of things I still need to purchase before Thailand. 
That was just "lying around" in my planner....in my room...in my backpack. 
Love herrrrrr :D 

14 Months

Ohhh hi! This cute missionary lad up there... ^^ Yeah, he has officially been gone 14 months today. Isn't that crazy? I know I just blogged about how I can now count on two hands, but that was because it was the 27th of November---and technically his release date is September 27th. BUT, today my friends, he has officially been gone from my presence for 14 stinkin months. 
Doesn't he look so grown up!? And notice that handsome ring in this picture... rumor has it that his girlfriend picked out thee best CTR ring ever alive for him. But that's just what I hear. Anyways, I can't believe that less than ten months from now this kid will be home. I honestly didn't believe people when they said that the time will fly. I was convinced they were all liars.  But honestly, time has flown and I am so grateful for that. Its amazing how much has changed in just fourteen months, but it's amazing how much has stayed the same. 
I'm grateful that this boy still knows me, and I still know him. I'm grateful that he loves my long rambling emails and responds to them just like he would if he were here. I'm grateful that he knows he is a missionary right now above anything else, but still knows that sometimes I just need my boyfriend--not my missionary. I'm grateful that he still makes me laugh as hard as he did 14 months ago. I'm also grateful he has spent the last 5(almost six!) years treating me just exactly how a lady should be treated, so that no other boy even comes close to replacing him these last 14 months. :D
 Mostly though, I'm grateful that I get this again in just ten short months. I can't wait to have my little semi-awkward RM, and to help him shop for new clothes, and catch up on movies, and meet all the new babies in our families! I can't wait to date him again, and get to know each other again. I cant wait to laugh until I cry, or can't breath. I can't wait to take road trips again, and fall asleep every night watching movies just to have to wake up and go to our seperate rooms/houses. Bring on the next ten months! We're ready :D 

"So Kaitlen, you kicked a special kid in the face last week? How do you even sleep at night?" 
"You are thee worst. We are through." 
"Aww Yeah! You can't resist this!" 

Some things may never change :] 

We're in the 20's peeps!

Just a small reminder that: 
29 days from now. 
I will no longer be inhabiting USA soil. 
Stiiillllll kinda waiting for it to hit me? 

November Recap.

The last time I did this was back in March, which is really a shame. I need to start doing this a lot more because as I read March's recap--there were things in there that I had totally forgotten about! So hopefully I will get better at my monthly recaps. I also need to be a better picture-taker, because I realize a lot of my posts are very wordy. And sometimes I even skim them...i'mma be honest. Right so, back to November. In November I think I may have been thee most stressed I have ever been in my entire life. Everything just kinda hit in November and I was a basket-case fo sho. But the good news is things have kind of settled. I drove up to Provo with mom and sister so that I could go to Thailand training Friday and Saturday. Friday was possibly thee longest day of my life because we just talked all about how you actually teach the children, which was interesting and all..but after eight hours I couldn't really tell ya... it was rough! But the Thai food Jessica, Tony and I partook of that evening definitely made up for it. I also drove in my first Blizzard.Tha's right...blizzard. And it was terrifying as heck. We had our girls annual tea partay which is always a joy! I also got a tiny taste of how my father and Cameron feel when he drives and my mom and I just sleep the whole way. Driving while everybody else is sleeping=sucky poo-poo. Twilight Breaking Dawn Part UNO came out this weekend also, and even though everybody warned us that is suuucked. I actually quite enjoyed it and cannot wait to make Cameron watch it with me. I also cannot wait for Part DOS. Let's seee... this month I also developed a sick addiction to Criminal Minds. So much so that I would dream about it almost every night, and I was always a super cool member of the BAU and I was also proficciant in all of their lingo. Awesome. I also lost my license this month thatt sucked. AND I got pulled over for my 11th and 12th time. The 12th time I got my very first ticket. Ridiculous. I went on a few dates with a couple different boys and that was fun. Except I got sick after BOTH of them. Which is random and strange now that I think about it. Booo, maybe it's a sign--no more dating. Or maybe Cameron paid a Brazilian Witch to put a dating hex on me. I'm betting it was the second one. I've spent a  lot of time at Kenz and Nates this month because of my nanny job. So much so that Kaycie always says "Hi KaitEN..why you always ova heaur?" aww tender. Of course Thanksgiving happened this month and that was great, and I ate so much. It was sad not to have the Willys or the Moffitts here this year though. Cameron became zone leader this month! He also got really sick with pnemonia and an infection behind his eyes. However, the good news is that he is doing well and pulled through like a champ. He also FINALLY got his Birthday package from me this month...yeah, the birthday package that I sent in August. Stupid Brazilian mail system. Other than that I pretty much just worked, and went to school and all that jazz. November was sooo long. Idunno why! December however, is fllyyyying by. Um, Hi...tomorrow is the 5th? Whaaaa?

Rum Tummy-Tummy!

I wish that everyday was the Target Two-Day-Sale....simply so I could watch this commercial in between Criminal Minds episodes. Every. Single. Day. Her facial expressions...the best thing of my life. Happy Holidays errrbody!