14 Months

Ohhh hi! This cute missionary lad up there... ^^ Yeah, he has officially been gone 14 months today. Isn't that crazy? I know I just blogged about how I can now count on two hands, but that was because it was the 27th of November---and technically his release date is September 27th. BUT, today my friends, he has officially been gone from my presence for 14 stinkin months. 
Doesn't he look so grown up!? And notice that handsome ring in this picture... rumor has it that his girlfriend picked out thee best CTR ring ever alive for him. But that's just what I hear. Anyways, I can't believe that less than ten months from now this kid will be home. I honestly didn't believe people when they said that the time will fly. I was convinced they were all liars.  But honestly, time has flown and I am so grateful for that. Its amazing how much has changed in just fourteen months, but it's amazing how much has stayed the same. 
I'm grateful that this boy still knows me, and I still know him. I'm grateful that he loves my long rambling emails and responds to them just like he would if he were here. I'm grateful that he knows he is a missionary right now above anything else, but still knows that sometimes I just need my boyfriend--not my missionary. I'm grateful that he still makes me laugh as hard as he did 14 months ago. I'm also grateful he has spent the last 5(almost six!) years treating me just exactly how a lady should be treated, so that no other boy even comes close to replacing him these last 14 months. :D
 Mostly though, I'm grateful that I get this again in just ten short months. I can't wait to have my little semi-awkward RM, and to help him shop for new clothes, and catch up on movies, and meet all the new babies in our families! I can't wait to date him again, and get to know each other again. I cant wait to laugh until I cry, or can't breath. I can't wait to take road trips again, and fall asleep every night watching movies just to have to wake up and go to our seperate rooms/houses. Bring on the next ten months! We're ready :D 

"So Kaitlen, you kicked a special kid in the face last week? How do you even sleep at night?" 
"You are thee worst. We are through." 
"Aww Yeah! You can't resist this!" 

Some things may never change :] 

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