November Recap.

The last time I did this was back in March, which is really a shame. I need to start doing this a lot more because as I read March's recap--there were things in there that I had totally forgotten about! So hopefully I will get better at my monthly recaps. I also need to be a better picture-taker, because I realize a lot of my posts are very wordy. And sometimes I even skim them...i'mma be honest. Right so, back to November. In November I think I may have been thee most stressed I have ever been in my entire life. Everything just kinda hit in November and I was a basket-case fo sho. But the good news is things have kind of settled. I drove up to Provo with mom and sister so that I could go to Thailand training Friday and Saturday. Friday was possibly thee longest day of my life because we just talked all about how you actually teach the children, which was interesting and all..but after eight hours I couldn't really tell ya... it was rough! But the Thai food Jessica, Tony and I partook of that evening definitely made up for it. I also drove in my first Blizzard.Tha's right...blizzard. And it was terrifying as heck. We had our girls annual tea partay which is always a joy! I also got a tiny taste of how my father and Cameron feel when he drives and my mom and I just sleep the whole way. Driving while everybody else is sleeping=sucky poo-poo. Twilight Breaking Dawn Part UNO came out this weekend also, and even though everybody warned us that is suuucked. I actually quite enjoyed it and cannot wait to make Cameron watch it with me. I also cannot wait for Part DOS. Let's seee... this month I also developed a sick addiction to Criminal Minds. So much so that I would dream about it almost every night, and I was always a super cool member of the BAU and I was also proficciant in all of their lingo. Awesome. I also lost my license this month thatt sucked. AND I got pulled over for my 11th and 12th time. The 12th time I got my very first ticket. Ridiculous. I went on a few dates with a couple different boys and that was fun. Except I got sick after BOTH of them. Which is random and strange now that I think about it. Booo, maybe it's a sign--no more dating. Or maybe Cameron paid a Brazilian Witch to put a dating hex on me. I'm betting it was the second one. I've spent a  lot of time at Kenz and Nates this month because of my nanny job. So much so that Kaycie always says "Hi KaitEN..why you always ova heaur?" aww tender. Of course Thanksgiving happened this month and that was great, and I ate so much. It was sad not to have the Willys or the Moffitts here this year though. Cameron became zone leader this month! He also got really sick with pnemonia and an infection behind his eyes. However, the good news is that he is doing well and pulled through like a champ. He also FINALLY got his Birthday package from me this month...yeah, the birthday package that I sent in August. Stupid Brazilian mail system. Other than that I pretty much just worked, and went to school and all that jazz. November was sooo long. Idunno why! December however, is fllyyyying by. Um, Hi...tomorrow is the 5th? Whaaaa?

1 comment:

  1. Ummm, get some pics added to these updates, I did read it all, but sometimes it read...Waaa Waaa,waaa, waaaa!! J/K!! Great update Klats.
