I'm going to Seattle!!

Could this week get any better? I got to spend Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and a good chunk of today with my most favorite Rickers (more on that later). Tonight, I get to see my magnificent mother and father and in about 30 minutes..I am boarding a plane to a place I have ALWAYS wanted to visit....Seattle Washington!!

Okay--so it's just for a quick 15 minute plane change, but STILL! I could not be more excited. I don't even care that I have been sitting in the Boise airport for the last 5.5 hours, and that my plane has been delayed--thrice, or that they have had a "gate change" from B15 to B17 at least 4 times in the last five hours, or that I just spent $10 on a quiznos sub...and $8.50 on some magazines for the plane that I have been avoiding reading while I sit here, so that I have some entertainment on the plane. I don't even care that by the time I crawl into bed it will be 2:30 at least, and that I have to be up at 6:30 for work!

Flight 1438, Delayed service to Seattle....Here I come!!

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