26 Days and flight details!

Hiiiiiii....are you annoyed of me yet? I feel like all I do is post about Thailand and my excitement for it. But you know what, I am excited, and this is my blog. So you can just sit back and bite the wall! 26 days from today I leave for the "Land of a thousand smiles" which is great for two reasons--I really like smiley people...and it is also the night before school would be starting, and I will be on a plane as far away from school as humanly possible. This week, I also got my flight itenerary and that added a whole new level of excitement!! It goes a little something like so..

Depart SLC at 8pm on Sunday January 8th for LAX-(2hr flight)
LAX to Seoul Korea at 11:50pm- (2hr L/O + 13.25hr flight)
Seoul to Bangkok 8:15am-(2hr L/O + 6hr flight)

Land in Bangkok Thailand at 12:15pm January 10th, 2012.
Would somebody like to pinch me now?
'I'm leavvvin on a jet plane......' 


  1. AMAZING!!!! Soooooooo thrilled for you!!

  2. Can you take Carson and Delaney with you? :)
    Have fun!
