I'm a big kid now, hey!

So here I sit in the Las Vegas airport...at gate B15 and I would be lying if I said I didn't feel like such a big kid right now. My parents took me to the curb, helped me unload, gave hugs to my dad...hugged my mom, checked in, made my way to security, made it through security, and found my gate ALL BY MYSELF. Did I already say that I feel like a grownup? Cos I do. But it was a little difficult to give hugs and say bye to mom and dad, and take off all on my own. And that just makes me think it's going to be all the more difficult just a few weeks from now. Great :/

But for now, I'm off to Idaho to see my favorite Rickers and I could not be more excited! I have been looking forward to this trip for months and I can't believe it's already here :]

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