Gummy Bears for Breakfast.

This morning I'm working.
I love my job. However,
I do not love Monday morning shifts.
Especially after working a PM shift.
Noo Bueno.
Instead of focusing on the fact that everybody woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
And everybody wants to pay with Cash this morning.
And I am incredibly tired.
And I just ate 14 gummy bears for breakfast.
I will focus on happy smiley things
Such as...
  • Last night I got to talk to Cams mom for a good little chunk of time. That was wondeful because lately I have been hopelessly Ricker-Sick. And to hear that they had just been talking about me. Made me feel excellent :]
  • Tonight for FHE we are going boating! I am pumped, and the good news is my body has finally recovered from last weeks boating trip.
  • Bugzee has been doing so good at sleeping with me lately. I think he finally understands it is not play time, it is sleepy time.
  • I should be hearing back from ILP here soon! Finally got everything turned in, passport ordered, and things are moving right along.
  • School is right around the corner and I am actually really anxious! I am ready to put my shoulder to the grind and knock that Associates out of the park!
  • Last week was great. Serious, one of the best. I can't believe it is the middle of July already!
  • Cam is doing just peachy down in Brazil. Serious, he is doing so good as senior Comp. and he is soo happy! Time is flying for both of us and I am grateful for that.
  • Today is P-day, meaning I get an email from said Elder today!
Happy Monday!

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