What is Kaitlen Grateful for today?

Today I realize I am a fool. 
A fool who locks her keys in her car last night.
in the driveway. 
This fool then went to a movie with Mom and Pop 
"I'll have mom let in my car later" 
Then mom went to work today. 9-5. 
And This fool has to work at 3. 
Well, this is a pickle. 

Today I am grateful for a loving mother. 
Who when her foolish daughter calls her work. 
she simply says.. 
"Your keys are still locked in your car aren't they?" 
..... yesss.... 
"I'll be there in a bit" She says laughing. 

Today I am grateful for a Loving mother. 
Who realizes she birthed a foolish daughter. 
and loves her anyways :] 

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