
It happend.
This weekend while Mom and Dad were away, tradgedy struck the Jensen Household. Thursday night Katelyn and I were rushing out the door to go get in line for HP72 (post to come) when we noticed that Bugzee and Tito had made a made dash out of the yard and up the street. Instead of chasing after them.... we just left. Ummm Sorry, but we had to get good seats! We were sure they would be back by the time we got back in the AM.
They were not back.
Worried, but apparently not worried enough we went to bed. I know.. I am terrible. But by this time peeps it was 3am and I had to work at 7! I woke up and left for work... still no pups. I came home around four and there was Tito sitting on the porch. "Shoooot, Tito is here, with no Bugzee" though I was really not suprised because I am 98% sure that Tito is just waiting for his chance to take Bugzee on "a walk" and rid him of the backyard forever. I let Tito inside, grabbed something to eat and then headed out the front door in search of the Bug. But low and behold...
There he was.
Crawling into the house.
Making this incredible noise I had never heard before.
Now, if you know Bugzee.. you know he is a loose cannon. He is all over the place and quite full of energy. I have never seen a dog slither into a house like he slithered. His eyes were all goopy and he smelt like burnt rubber. At first I thought he had been hit by a car and survived because Heavenly Father loves me. But that was not the case..
Bugzee had been skunked.
I spent a good portion of the next day scrubbing the skunk out of the poor boy. It took a good hour or so, one tomato bath, and 3 sudsy oatmeal baths to get most of the smell out. I am happy to report that he is mostly skunk free, happy and healthy. And, he is now somewhat afraid to leave the yard. Which is amazing. AND he got a shiny new collar out of the whole ordeal, so i'd say everybody wins here. 

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