"Why is nobody sitting on these comfy chairs?"

This Last Saturday Katelyn, Danielle and myself decided to spend the day in Viva Las Vegas. 

We may or may not have made it there in record time. 
We all spent some quality time with our man Caesar. 

Then we schmoozed over the pool boy, 
and snuck into Caesars 8 pools. 
And then got repremanded for laying on the cushion chairs. 
Who knew they had to be "reserved"? 

We hit up the state line and road "Elderado" 
Also known as " Desperado" 
Laughed Theee whole time. 
Lost some sunglasses, and probably broke my neck. 
Well worth it. 
Did a little shopping at the outlets 
and drank a lot  of non-alcoholic beverages in attempts to keep our energy up. 
We ended the night with some Cheesecake Factory and H&M 
We ran into Adam in the forum shops! 
I smiled a little hard. 
We then made our way to the airport to pick up Kenz and Nate. 
Made our way home, and around 3am rolled into town. 
And rolled into bed.

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