You're So Gay and you don't even like boys?

Or do you? 
Seriously Ryan Gosling
It's getting hard to tell. 
  • Do you remember that huge conversation we had about "being honest and straight forward" Yeah that one? Well turns out, you straight lied through your teeth. Hahah lying about being honest? 
  • I'm sorrrry I don't wear sweats all the time. Or want to play volleyball all the time. I'm sorry that I actually expect to be taken out on a Date. 
  • I just want you to spend like... one whole day with a girl! Any girl! QUIT SPENDING SO MUCH TIME WITH MEN! You want to be married in the next two years you said? Good news for you! New York just legalized gay marriage. 
  • You're good looks will only get you so far. Why don't you put a little substance behind that for a change. 
  • Not once did I convey any feelings stronger than a "fling" I didn't and do not want to marry you. Bring that  ego of yours wayyyy down. 
  • Is Ernest Hemmingway reallllly your favorite Author? Or are you just that trendy? 
  • Stop shaving your legs. Definately stop shaving your arms. And when a girl talks about her tan not lasting very long.... good heck, do not suggest multiple lotions she should try that really "lock it in".
  • When you are with a girl... and you are staring at each others eyes don't say.. "You know who has really beautiful eyes?".... and then proceed to tell her the name of a guy.

So here's to our "fling"
Your attraction to men.
And our surely-going-to-be-awkward class together this fall.
Cannot. Wait.