
"Sometimes, when you meet someone--you just click. I don't believe in love at first sight, but I sure believe in the click."

Found this the other day. Loved it!! So excited for this weekend. Spending it up in Pine Valley with Ry's family. Sledding, gingerbread men, Christmas movies, cozy fireplaces, family I adore, and a whhoollleee lottta the boy I love. Ahh, bring on Christmas time! 

Hahaha... this picture was really just too good to pass up.

Christmas Time In The City

Ryan and I had a little more Christmas shopping to do this week so we thought instead of finishing up in St. George, we'd take a little day trip to Las Vegas and hit up some outlets and the mall. The morning of, we debated for a good hour or so on whether on not we should go. It was cloudy and cozy so we thought about just staying in and ordering Christmas online on the couch, hot chocolate in hand. We also discussed just running to a few places around town and seeing what we could find. Alas, after some and forth and what Ryan likes to call my finicky behavior, we were on our way to Vegas.

As you can see, our snacks of choice were very healthy and nutritious. We ate terribly this entire day. But we weren't really feeling it... the sugar overload from our breakfast above must have overpowered the MSG that filled our Carls Jr. Lunch and our Jack-in-the-box dinner... yikes. 

You guys, I'mma tell you something. I don't think I've ever had such a fun hour and forty-five minute drive before in my life. You should know, Ryan and I both love to blast music when driving and jam out. However, that was not the case with this quick trip. We turned the music down, and chitty-chat-chatted the entire way. We laughed harder than ever, talked about some important upcoming events, joked and teased, devoured some pixie sticks and just had a lot of fun. 

My brain seemed to be working at half capacity--if that, during the entire day so that made for some very interesting conversations, and one very grateful girl for a boyfriend who patiently puts up with her nonsense. I kid you not folks...these conversations all happened in ONE day. It's almost embarrassing... almost. If you follow me on Facebook, this first conversation you have already heard..

In the distance, Ry points out about 400 yards off the freeway, a tall tour of smoke in the middle of the desert. 
Ryan: Look at that big cloud of smoke over there. They set off an atomic bomb! 

Kaitlen: Woah!! Really?! 

Ryan: NO honey! If that was an atomic bomb we would be dead..

Kaitlen: After cracking up for a few solid minutes. Well, you can't just go saying stuff like that! 

Ryan: I'm not the one who doesn't realize we would be dead if there were an actual atomic bomb.... 

So stupid girl conversation #1 blows over until we reach Vegas about an hour later... now for a little back story. Before Ryan and I started dating, he took this girl he was kind of hanging out with as well to Vegas where they went to the Shark Reef Aquarium.. since originally he told me he was making that trip with his mother, and not until recently did I discover that he actually went with another girl... it's still a bit of a bitter subject for me. 

Driving down the hill into Vegas we see a billboard for "Turtle Sanctuary" 

Kaitlen: Look babe! Do you want to go to the Turtle Sanctuary today?! 

And then, before he can answer, I choose to be the brat that I am and point out that he's already been... to the Shark Reef Aquarium....a totally different exhibit. Oops. 

Kaitlen: Oh WAIT! You've already BEEN to the Shark Reef Aquarium!!! 

Ryan: Woww......Yes, I have been to the SHARK Reef Aquarium...not the Turtle Sanctuary babe. 

Kaitlen: Again, after a few minutes of laughter. I'm tellin ya, the boy just cracks me up! Which I'm still mad about by the way. Here I was thinking you were going on this cute daddy-daughter...I mean Mommy-daughter, I mean DAUGHTER-SON date, but really you were with some girl! 

Ryan: Just stop struggle more than most. 

Now that stupid-girl conversation #2 was out of the way, I was sure that the rest of the day would go smoothly and quietly and Ry would forget all about my half-working brain. And it did! Most of the day went by without any more embarrassing mishaps until we were leaving Dicks Sporting Goods... 

Ryan opened my door and I hopped in. He walked around to his side then sat down. I started rummaging through my purse and then handed Ryan my phone while I did so. 

Rummaging, Rummaging, Rummaging..... 

Kaitlen: I can't find my phone! It's not in my purse, and it's not in my pockets....I hope I didn't leave it in the store or something. 

Ryan: Looking over at me with a look of disbelief as he simultaneously reaches out his hand to hand me the phone I had just two seconds ago handed him... You mean THIS phone? 

Cue laughter.....again. 

The day was full of memorable moments with my favorite boy. We went shopping together, but then had to split up and go shop for each other. Trying to disguise our gifts was entertaining to the max. It amazes me just how much fun I have with this boy. He is seriously my best friend and I feel like the luckiest to have him. 

Oh also....on the way home, he rapped Childish Gambino for me at least five times... you guys, that white boy can rap!! He knew every word to this ridiculously fast song and literally didn't miss a beat. It was oddly attractive.... love me my wangster! 

2:28am Thoughts

Tonight Ryan brought me Panda E at work. I had a half hour for break, and just needed to get out of the building for a bit. Not enough time to leave, so we sat in his car, in the parking lot and ate our dinner and listened to a terrible 90's band that he was shocked I had never heard before. It was perfect, and so fun and just what I needed.

I cleaned my room and unpacked finally. I think I was living in denial after coming home from a glorious five days with tiny adorable infants and my sisters. But alas it's done, and it feels good. I hate sleeping in a dirty, if only I could sleep.

My best friend is getting married in just over four months, and we were talking wedding a little bit tonight, and I realized how excited I am for her! It's weird....I don't think I will ever feel like any of us are old enough to be getting married.

I think about Thailand a lot. Every time I look at pictures it's seriously like a sharp pain in my heart. I miss it so much! But I realize more and more how lucky I am to have had that experience and am forever grateful for that. I always wanted to go to Thailand, and I did it!! I'd say that's pretty awesome.

Ryan just called.....and when I answered he goes "Shut up, you are really still awake?" hahah he seriously makes me laugh. Boy couldn't sleep, so he's up making sure his dog doesn't die after swallowing his sister-in-laws retainer. Yikes!

Everybody and their dog got engaged yesterday on 12-12-12....cute, but a little overdone. My instagram and facebook were blowing up with engagement posts!! Congratulations world!

I am Skype messaging right now with Marci! She's still in Motha Russia and I miss her bod so bad!! However, she did just bestow upon me some of the greatest news--she is moving here after her time abroad in China!! One more person I love in St. George... I can handle that.

I should seriously go to sleep. Work meeting in 5 hours. I need sleep. Also, my immune system punishes me every time if I don't get enough sleep. Sheesh immune system, don't you know I'm only 20?! I'm allowed to stay up all night.

Onnnnee more thought---"The Hobbit" came out tonight. I really wanted to go see it, so I texted Ryan and said "Let's go see the Habit tonight!" .... he laughed pretty hard at that one after he stopped being confused and realized what in thee heck I was talking about. Stupid autocorrect. Alas, we didn't go see it because we want to wait for Jordon and Mary. I'm not even that into those movies.... there is just something about a midnight premiere that gets me all excited!

Opposites Attract?

I never realized that dating your complete opposite could require so much effort. 
And patience. And understanding. And deep breaths. And patience. 

You guys, Ryan and I are completely opposite in almost every way. 
And let me tell you, it has taken some getting used to. 
Sure, I've dated guys I was opposite with--casually. 
But the last guy I dated seriously. we were the male and female version of each other. 
We were the same in almost every way. 
And it was so easy! 

Ryan challenges me like you would not believe. 
Not a day goes by that the boy doesn't leave me with some sort of reaction, like... 
"Really?" ..."I cannot believe those words just came out of your mouth."
Or something to that effect. 

Ryan hates to spend money. I kind of love to shop. 
I was raised with sisters, and you can tell. He was raised with all boys, and you can tell. 
Ryan likes boring and or screaming music. I like good music. 
I like to talk about everything. Feelings chats galore! Ryan would rather keep to himself. 
He likes coke zero. I prefer Diet. 
I'd rather be hot. He'd rather be cold. 
Ryan roots for the Broncos. I'm a Packers fan. 
I get more into basketball. He gets more into football. 
He likes the Celtics. I like the Jazz. 

While these differences aren't reason to be concerned, they sure make for an entertaining relationship. This boy tests me in every way. Mainly with the two differences which are bold and underlined. With a few differences, it's even more exciting when we find some common ground--which we do, on the big stuff. I never thought I'd be dating somebody like Ry seriously, and I never thought it'd be so much fun. 

It's never boring... I'll tell you that much :) 

Boy Meets Girl.

Sometimes you a million years, see something coming. You can plan and plan for something else you have in mind and then BAM out of nowhere your plans completely change and it's weird at first, but it's not weird because it's weird...if that makes any sense. It's weird because it's not weird at all--and it never was weird, and you never saw it coming. But you're sure glad that it did.

You guys, I wrote this whole long blog post with pictures and all that stuff about Ryan and I...and then I realized that if I were not me, I would probably never read that. Nor would I even understand half of the stuff I was talking about, so, I decided to introduce you all to this boy whom I adore through a series of questions and answers Google thinks you should know about your significant other.

Everybody: Meet Ryan Christian Brady Polatis.... he's cute, right?!

1. Are you in love?, young love :) 

2. What is this person’s name?

Like I said... it's Ryan Christian Brady Polatis. Yeah, he has two middle names and I LOVE it. I don't know why, but I just do okay. Of course I always have to call him by call three names--okay, not always... but i'd say a good portion of the time this girl is saying three names instead of one. 

3. How long have you known this person?

In about a week it will be 5 months to the day since we met, that is crazy. It's not a very long time at all, but it feels like I have known him so much longer. 

4. What first attracted you to this person?
The boy can make me laugh like nobody I've ever met. I think that was what first attracted me to him, he was so goofy and fun. I remember when we were first friends, he called me randomly one night at like 12am. And we talked until 3 in the morning and I was just laughing the entire time. I remember being so concerned I was going to wake up the house but I couldn't stifle the laughter from this kid. Shortly after I learned a bit more about him, I was incredibly attracted to what a good person he is. I remember being irritated that I hadn't heard from him until 1 or 2pm, only to find out that he had been at the temple that morning, then over to his Granny and Papa's to sit with his sick Papa and then over to his other grandparents to mow their lawn. 

5. Who approached who first?

Ryan approached me first on all accounts. He came into my work first, added me on Facebook first, asked for my number first, insisted we hang out first.... oh yeah, it was all him. ;) Until things got a bit more serious and it was time for the good ol' DTR...but that's a different story entirely. 

6. How long did you know this person before you were “in love”?

I told Ryan I loved him literally like day two of talking to him. However, I awkwardly made it very clear that it was in a "friendly" sort of way. He got me, we laughed, and then it always became our joke. "I stinkin love you!".....the "stinkin" made it friendly of course. 

7. Are you married to this person now?

We are not married. Just happily dating! I love dating this boy. We can be doing everything, or nothing at all and we are having a blast. I remember my mom telling me that when she and my dad met and went out for the first time, from that point on, they were together pretty much every day. I remember saying that I cannot believe she wanted to be with somebody EVERY DAY. Didn't she get sick of them? She just laughed and told me that one day I would understand. I now understand. 

8. What physical attribute are you most attracted to on this person?
I'm obsessed with his hairy bod. hahah, I know that sounds so sick, but seriously he is so hairy and I love it! He's got these manly hairy arms, legs and facial hair that I adore.... he thinks I'm crazy, but seriously--I love it. 

9. What physical attribute on this person do you find least attractive?

His shaved legs. But alas, he has stopped. And I am happy to report his hairy legs are coming in nice and hairy. 

10. If you could change one thing about this person, what would it be?

Obviously I wouldn't just outright change anything about him. However, we do have fun learning to communicate with one another. Me, who wants to talk about everything and expects him to care deeply about what I ate for lunch, and him who, when he says he's fine, wants me to leave it at that and realize he really is just fine. ...oh yeah, we have fun. 

11. I love when this person…

Plays his guitar and sings. Kisses me on the forehead. Smiles really hard and gets oriental eyes. Laughs really hard with his family. Teases me. Says, "You're so damn cute!" ('s cute okay?!) Talks about his mission and/or spiritual things. Holds my hand while he drives. Speaks portuguse. Makes fun of my spelling (Like he will probably do when he reads this) Finishes my sentences. Let's me snuggle up to him so I'm comfy, and pretends to be equally as comfy when I know he's not. 

12. I hate when this person…

Burps. .... seriously, it's nasty. And he knows I hate it, so naturally he does it whenever he can. 

13. Have you ever cheated on this person?

Define cheating..... kilt! Of course not :) 

14. Has this person ever cheated on you?

I'd hope not. But if so, it would probably be with a handful of his guy friends. Bromance I tell ya. 

15. Do you have any children with this person?

No :) 

16. Who is the most dominate in this relationship?

I'd say we are both pretty dominate. It just depends on the day/sistuation/time of day. 

17. Do you argue much?

Hahah yes, and let me tell you. He is the most difficult person to argue with! He either A: Internalizes everything and doesn't say a word or B: Doesn't take it serious and laughs, in-turn, making me laugh and forget why we were arguing in the first place. Is it bad that sometimes I love arguing with this boy? Our arguments are never anything serious, most of the time just fun and frustrating at the same time--if that makes any sense at all. 

18. If so, who apologizes first?

Usually Ryan does. Because I am a girl, and stubborn and feel like I am always right. He's patient I tell you. However, there have been a couple arguments that I was indeed wrong, and he definitely waited until I apologized first. 

19. Which of you is the slob?

Umm... not going to lie, probably me. He's pretty tidy. 

20. Which of you is the smartest?

Definitely Ryan. He is a meca of knowledge! He is always spouting off the most random information or engaging me in intelligent conversations, I love it. I love how smart how he is. 

21. Which of you is the breadwinner?

Well, as of right now, we win our own bread! But he does pay for a lot of my we will say Mr. Polatis. 

22. Which of you is the most romantic?

He's pretty dang romantic this kid. :) 

23. Which of you would be most likely to ask for a breakup/divorce?

Probably me, because I am an emotional/irrational girl. But I wouldn't mean it, of course I would do it just to see if he'd chase after me. See, what'd I tell you, irrational. Crazy maybe? 

24. What is this person’s favorite color?

Green, he loves it so much. 

25. What is this person’s favorite number?

It's 7....cause I just asked him. 

26. What is this person’s favorite food?

He doesn't have one--he just loves all food. 

27. What is this person’s favorite thing to do?

He really loves hanging out with his family, or me (haha), or his dog... or his friends. Or playing the guitar, or going to the gym. I don't know! He has a lot of favorite things. The boy's all over the place. 

28. What is this person’s favorite restaurant?

He doesn't have one! He has been known to enjoy some 4x4's at In-n-Out, and some chalupas at Taco Bell however... 

29. Is this person allergic to anything?
Nope! He's free and clear, we actually just had this conversation not too long ago. 

30. Have you and this person ever broken up?

Nah bro...we're solid. 

31. Do you think that you and this person spend enough time together?

Not nearly. Nah, just kidding--we probably spend too much time together. But it just never seems  like it's enough! True story. 

32. When you are not together, who misses who the most?

It just depends on the day, but I'd say we are fairly equal. However, we are sitting across the room from each other right now and he just got up to come over and kiss me, then went and sat back down....soooo I'd say, probably him. ;) 

33. Which of you would be considered the better “catch”?

Him. Definitely. Have you met this guy, he's a catch for sure :) 

34. Which of you is more outgoing?

Probably me, he can talk to anybody, and adapts really well to social situations, but he doesn't like the lime light, nor does he like big crowds. He's a simple guy. 

"They slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never returned." 
-F. Scott Fitzgerald. 

I'm Back!.....again.

The truth is, I took a bit of a blogging break for the last couple months. I have no idea why, I just didn't really have any motivation to write, which is weird--cause I love to write peeps! But here's the thing... I'm back, I need to be back--because there are far too many thoughts floating around in this head of mine to keep up there. So here's to wishful thinking and at least 1-2 blog posts a week. High five!

I don't even know where to begin. The last time I wrote here It was summer and I was having fun dating around and enjoying my time home from Thailand. I was all over the place, one minute I was in China, the next I was headed for Salt Lake, the next I was staying home here in St. George, which is what I swore I would never do--but as it turns out, It is exactly where I need to be. Life as of now is great! I'm a full time student once again at DSC, Opinion Editor for the Dixie Sun News, CNA at a great facility with residents who crack me up, living with friends at the condo in town and trying my hand at being a big kid, the proud auntie of three, soon to be four new babies, and dating the most handsome boy ever....but more on that later ;) Life is good!

One time my friend Tanner came down to visit and it was so exciting. So of course we hit up Del-Taco at 11pm and ate gross amounts of food and had some good chats. Sure do love that boy and wish I got to see him more often.
Sometimes I get to play with/babysit my friend Jessica's adorable child Aiden. Seriously, I am in love with this little guy. He's got the BIGGEST brown eyes I've ever seen and let me tell ya, he knows how to use them.
Mom and I decided to be super fit and we ran a 5k for our work! That cute lady came in 2nd place for her age division and I came in 3rd! It was good fun, despite waking up at the crack of dawn and some bladder issues that we will not discuss.....
Meet my new lovies!! Here we have, in order of appearance... Little Lexi May, Cohen Xander, and John Lincoln.. you guys,'s baby mania over here! I am one proud auntie and I just can't get enough of these sweet little faces. Welcome to the family little ones! 
Turns out, I love spending time with this cutie. We spend a lot of time together...a lot, and I never get sick of it! That's a good sign, right? But like I said, more on him later... 

I moved, did I tell ya? Did I tell you it was the most time consuming thing ever? Who knew one little room could be such a pain in the rear to move!! But it was, and Ryan was a trooper helping me out for like a solid week... seriously, he's great. But alas, I am moved in and settled in my new little place. I cried when I drove away from my parents house with my last load of stuff though--I did. It was sad. 

Last, but not least... YOU GUYS, MY BEST FRIEND GOT ENGAGED!! It's true, he liked it--so he put a ring (ROCK) on it! I could not be more excited for them and I could not be more excited to plan a bunch of parties in her honor. Are we really old enough to be getting engaged? Really? It's cliche, but I feel like just yesterday we were just wee little ones becoming best friends in TLC class. Let the wedding planning begin!! 


You know how there is that saying that "Men are from Mars, and Women are from Venus?"
That is a complete lie.
Men are definitely from some sort of different, alternate--screwed up universe. And women are just from Earth. Where things are normal, and people act like normal people--not crazed lunatics like the men from Mars. Somebody reading this has got to have seen the movie "Mars Attacks"?? Well it's a movie completely unrelated tom this blog post where Aliens from Mars come down and light things on fire and send cows running through the street. I'll admit's one of my favorites. But alas, I am wandering off my beaten path right now.

So, back to Earth and Mars. A topic that has been on my mind lately as I navigate my way through the dating world is how utterly and completely different guys and girls are. It seriously blows my mind. Now while it's all fun and games for the most part. You know, the whole figuring each other out hoop-la and what not... it's really rather ridiculous. Guys are insane. I'm just going to come out and say it.

In what alternate universe is it okay for you to say "Sure sweetheart, no problem I will return these redbox videos for you tonight when I leave your place" And then not return them for a month; only to admit to your faux-pah when I say something to you after I notice not one, but TWO $30 redbox charges on my card a month later? And when I DO bring your little stunt to your attention you reply with a "I'm sorry I totally forgot, is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"----uh, yeah, give me $60 you fool. It's a good thing we had our "DTR" talk earlier in the week and decided NOT to be exclusive...because really, I can't be with somebody who can't return a dang redbox in a timely manner.

When we make plans it's not okay for you to make plans with somebody else without giving me any sort of heads up. So when I call you after work and say "Are we still getting together tonight?!" And you reply...."We can! I'm just over at my friend who is a girls house." and I am less than excited to meet her. And in fact would rather just go home and not see you at all... please do not be surprised. Please also do not be surprised when you text apologizing a few minutes later.... when I inform you that that was a jerky move and I am not impressed, and am in fact upset. I do however, appreciate your rapid response to my honesty--and no, I'm not talking about some lame text "I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you." I'm talking about you physcially leaving said girls house, calling me on the phone, and informing me that you are on your way to come pick me up, that we did have plans...that you are infact stupid and sorry. You saved yourself there.... and it was cute, and it actually ended up to be a really great night. Sooo I guess you are forgiven.

Don't be late okay? Just don't. Ew, especially don't pull a "I'll be there at 8!" ....then at 7:45 text and say..."Hey's looking like it will be more like 9" ..... and then show up at 11. Thus not allowing us to watch the stupid redboxes I rented that YOU requseted that YOU didn't even take back. Idddiotttt.

It's OKAY to talk. I promise. Sometimes it's okay for you to let us know how you are feeling. You want to see us? Great! We probably want to see you to. But we are not going to pick up OR give in to your stupid little hints like... "What are you doing tonight? Nothing? Ohh.. me either" and then excpect us to pick up the ball from there. I will literally kick you. And you will sit at home all night doing "nothing" just like you said.
For the love of all that is good in this world we've gone out multiple times. It's really okay for us to go out ALONE now. We are not in high school anymore so when you call to ask me out, don't immediatly follow up with "Soo...uhhh.... do you have any cute friends for so and so?" No. I do not have any cute friends for so and so because if we are being honest here I work, and then I hang out with my best friend who is practically engaged....and then I go out with guys, then I sleep.  And then I rinse and repeat. Sooo.. unless you want me to set "So-and-so" up with that hottie I went out with last week. No, I do not have any "Cute friends" and you can ask me out next time when you feel like either A) telling so-and-so to man up and find his own date, or B) manning up yourself and taking me out alone.

I like it when you show up at my work and surprise me. It's cute and I like that you were obviously thinking about me enough to drive across town at 10pm and wait until I got off work to see me. I don't like it when you tell me about that one time you thought about coming to visit me but then decided to go hang out with your friends instead. Fine, go hang out with your friends. That's great choose them over me by all means; But don't tell me that you chose them over me.

Your ex girlfriends family? Stop hanging out with them. I understand that you are close to them. But don't sit here and tell me how much you hate her, and them and how affected you are by the whole situation and then pal around with the family throughout the week. She's getting married--i'm sorry, really. But shiz happens and you need to move on.

Okay, okay. I know I sound like a total snob right now. And really, all of these guys who have done all of these crazy things are great. And i'm so glad i've gotten the chance to know them. But seriously, sometimes a girls just got to vent. These boys are martians. HOW is a girl from Earth....completely level headed and realistic...heheh ;) supposed to make it work with a martian? I'm tellin ya people... sometimes a girls just got to vent.

So Long Sweet Summer.

Summer is not even over--but it feels like it's coming to a rapid halt. IT'S BASICALLY AUGUST PEOPLE! What is this garbage? I just got home...I just left my darling Thai babies and mangos and sticky rice and now I'm registering for classes, buying books, and going a bit crazy in the school supply isles at Walmart. Oy-vey. Though I have been working two jobs for the past month, and literally work every single day... I've still found some time for fun! And I have a very good feeling that though summer is ending, the fun is definitely not!

Our family friend, Caitlyn Wilson, was a beautiful bride a few weekends ago up in Provo. So we made a quick trip up to celebrate with her and her family! SO CUTE. I'm tellin ya, the wedding was beautiful and such fun. But if you are a girl--it's almost impossible to not walk away wanting a wedding RIGHT now. Maybe not so much a groom...but a wedding, absolutely ;)

That same quick trip I was able to get together with lunch with some of my lovely ladies from Thailand! I love that we don't get to see each other all that often, but when we do--it's like we never left. We sat at Zupas for probably three hours just chatting and laughing. So glad these ladies are some of my greatest friends! Missed Angee and Dianna very much though, get your buns to Utah girls!
A few quick road trips with this cutie. Those ruffles you see there.... were his treat for being good on the way there, so we made a quick stop at a gas station before heading home. However, don't you DARE sneak a Queso ruffle from this kids hands and shove it into your mouth...or there will be tears, time out, and a "feelings" chat. Oh boy..

I started my job at Sterling Court at the beginning of this month, and I am LOVING it. Absolutely. Sometimes the tasks are a bit...grueling. But the fact that I am almost always kept busy, and the fact that I get to work with some of the sweetest/hilarious elderly folk makes it so much fun. I think I'm going to like it here just fine. 

Big brother CJ made it to the finals of the Utah State Ametueur!! He played an awesome week of Golf and we were all following him daily via computer or iphones. When Saturday we heard that he had won all of his rounds of match play and was on to the finals, family dropped everything and headed up to see the boy do his thang! It was so fun to have the entire family there to support our brother. He played awesome and took 2nd overall! We are all so proud of that boy, he's such a classy gentleman on the course---we're not sure what happens once he get's off though.... ;) We decided that the quote for the weekend was "Mom, Dad--you've raised some houlagins....but they are houlagins who love each other!" Truer words have never been spoken.. 

Adam moved his skinny britches to California this week....and my heart has never been more broken! In lew to his departure--we've been trying to spend as much time as possible together with all of our friends. Sure am going to miss that kid. SO excited for him though, California doesn't know what's about to hit them! 

My friend Ryan got a new puppy! The cuuuutest little Lab puppy affectionatly named, "Maverick."
I might be a little more than in love with the little guy, usually...I just play with him--and we lock Ryan up so he does not bother us. It's love people. 

Summer Shinanigans

This summer is nothing how I planned it. I planned on returning from Thailand, working constantly and jet setting off to China in just a few short months. Then I changed my plans, and anticipated spending the summer working and saving money in order to move up to Salt Lake in the fall. But I'm realizing every day, that sometimes we have plans. And sometimes Heavenly Father has plans for us that are completely different to our own. And when we finally let him in on the "plans" that we have, and are willing to adjust our plans to his just a little.

Life is sweet--so, so sweet. And just exactly what we need :) 
So, instead of preparing for China,  or packing up my belongings for a big move...
Instead, i've spent my summer kinda like this

I've gotten to spend some time with this cute kid! It's been nice since I feel like he totally forgot who I was while I was away for so long. Little heart breaker. 

Sheeela came and visted for a few days and that was a total blast! I'm trying to get her to move down here this fall, so naturally I had to show her all of the great things St. George has to offer. Namely... Dixie Rock, the Carrosel, my friends, Tuachan, Swig, Durangos, and Zion. We spent a day floating...(or in Katelyn and I's case...being drowned) down the Virgin River and that adventure. Here's to crossed fingers that I have my roomie back in just a few short weeks! 
Cooked some Thai food for the first time since being home! Delicious! Wish I had learned how to make more dishes, but I guess I can settle for some fried egg and rice.. holy yum. I'm suddenly starving. 

Took this cute lady to go see "Hairspray" out at Tuachan. Such fun! I feel bad sometimes that I don't get to spend more time with mom and dad anymore. It seems as if I am either working, or out with friends all the time--so It's nice when I get an evening or so to spend with those cuties! We loved Hairspray, Tuachan always does such a great job. But I'm tellin ya--GO SEE ALLADIN RIGHT NOW. It was awesome, and amazing and I want to see it a million more times. 

Ooofffff course, in typical St. George Summer fashion, I have racked up quite a few hours at the pool.
Finally have gotten to spend some time with this awesome guy! This is Elder Polatis (Ryan), a previous Companion of Cam's. Rumor has it....(okay, it's not really rumor because Cameron told me this about a million times) that this was his favorite companion on his mission. And I can totally see why. THESE GUYS ARE THE EXACT SAME. It's really the weirdest thing I've ever encountered, Ryan is like..a brown haired version of Cam and it's hilarious. Between the two of us exchanging stories about Cam, I'm pretty confident when I say that I think Ryan misses that boy the most. And that's saying a lot! 

Fourth of July came and went a little faster then I would have liked. BUT I did get to spend it with my Hansen infants as well as some of the family for a bit. We celebrated Dads birthday and ate delicious food. Twas delightful. 

...aaannnnd I got him the funniest card around. hahaha still making me laugh. 
Have spent quite a bit of time with these fun people! Soaking up all the time together before Adam moves to California in just a few short weeks. Ugh, makes my little heart break just thinking about it. Donnnn'ttt ggoooo! :( 

All in all, summer thus far has been a dream. Equal parts work and play and I could not be a happier girl. It hasn't been all fun in the sun of course. Life always brings it's little the form of my stinkin car needing to be fixed and 7am shifts at work and of course others. But, looming new and exciting things likeee a new job as a CNA and an upcoming Staff Editor position on the Dixie sun to prepare for, and moving out with friends in the next few weeks! This girl, is a very happy one :)