As I near the end here in Thailand, it's quite hard not to think of home. As much as I hate to admit it--I try to push all thoughts of home, what it's like, the people there and how excited I am to see them...as far from my mind as possible. I want to enjoy my last 36 (Oh my gosh...how sad) days here and not spend it thinking of home. But you know what, I just can't do it anymore! I LOVE Thailand, and the thought of leaving here is literally heart-breaking. But the thought of Home and everything that comes with it is oh-so welcoming. And i'm okay with that. 

  • I love that the freeway runs directly through St. George, thus, taking 5-10 minutes to get anywhere. Unless you are my best friend, and are terrified to take the freeway. 
  • I miss living 5 minutes from my best friend. The girls here have become four of my very best friends and I have a feeling we will be friends for a long time. However, there is just something about your best friend that you just can't live without ya know! 
  • Menchies. I'm just going to come out and say it that I, Kaitlen, miss Menchies and all of it's frozen goodness. 
  • I love monsoon season at home. Seriously, my very favorite season of the seasons. The other day, I walked into the bathroom downstairs at the school...and it smelled like poop. Poop and rain kind of, and it was a little dark in there...so it reminded me of monsoon season at home and I could literally feel my heart strings tugging with yearning for monsoon season. Yeah, Idunno why the faint smell of poop reminds me of that...it just does, okay? 
  • I miss my car. I'm pretty sure I was cursing his name before I left because unlimited things went wrong with him before I left, and he got me my first ticket--(yeah, totally his fault for not stopping at that stupid stop-sign) but alas, he is a great little car. And I miss just driving to and fro blasting my music and sometimes even paying attention to the road. 
  • I love downtown. Sure, the city put the most ridiculous and expensive carousel in the park to attract, idunno? Tourists? And yes, we all make fun of it. But really, it's charming and cute and down town is always a good place to be. I wonder how many cities can say that about their "downtown." 
  • There are four families that live in this town that I happen to adore. As luck would have it, they even happen to be my family! Enough said really, I love St. George because not all, but lots of the people that I love, inhabit that area. 
  • St. George is awesome because it's two hours from basically anything. Less time even! I love random trips to Zion, or Cedar, or Vegas or Kanab.
  • I miss the community. Maybe it's cause I just watched Varsity Blues...but whatever the reason, you can't beat the community! Tight knit..but not to the point where everybody is up in errbodies busssinesss. Sheltered but still pretty diverse. Big enough, but not too big. Couldn't have asked for a better place to grow up. 
  • I could make this post last forever because it's clear that I love St. George wayy more than I thought I did. But I'm getting antsy, and I need to shower. Perhaps though, one of the things I miss most about my little St. George, is the big white reminder in the middle of the city, to just... do good. I miss my temple! We always joked that it was annoying because you can see it from pretty much anywhere in St. George...Including makeout hill. (Not that I ever went up there...sorry mom!) But seriously, it's funny how you realize how much you take things like that for granted when you don't have them. It's funny how you realize, just how much you need that little reminder. 
If there were an "I <3 STG" T-shirt right, you bet i'd be wearing it right meow.  

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