Chiang Mai--Round Two!

We liked Chiang Mai so much,
we decided to go back for some more fun.
Ah Chiang Mai...
The place where time literally stops. 
And far too much money is spent. 

As usual, our bus rolled into Chiang Mai around 6am, we headed to our hostel, checked in, ate breakfast, And freshened up. This time, instead of was Tigers!

Though the Tigers were a wee lazy and possible drugged? It was a blast! It was amazing to see how massive these animals are. But oh-so playful! A little nerve-wracking? Yes. Once in a lifetime? Absolutely. 

Along the way we picked up a friend! This here is Nathan. He was on our bus with us and asked our opinion on a hostel once we arrived in Chaing Mai. He ended up staying at the one we were at, and hanging out with us for a good portion of the day. Fun to meet fellow travelers! And "foreigners"....though he is only from Canada. ;)

After tigers, we hit up a little local food place for some lunch.
Dianna (the shortest of the bunch) somehow ended up in the shortest seat at the table.
Thus looking reallll special for the remainder of our meal. Hilarious.

Not really sure what to do with the rest of our day in Chiang Mai...we did what any sane tourist would do... rented scooters for the day! You really can't beat $7 for 24 hours of pure joy. Suuuure it took us about an hour and two near death experiences to get used to driving on the wrong side of the road, crazy drivers, touchy breaks and even touchy-er gas...but get the hang of it we did, and from there there was no stopping us!  

We decided to head up to the mountains that surround Chiang Mai and ended up driving through them for about two hours. Seriously, one of the COOLEST things I have ever done. One of those moments where you're just completely in awe that this is really happening, and that this is your life.
I feel like I have a lot of moments like that here.
One of my favorite moments with our scooters was Saturday night. A few of us took the scoot-scoots out for a little night drive around Chiang Mai. Awesome. There was just something about being out at night, not sweating your brains out, stopping at all of the little night markets, and seeing all of the lights and tourists of Chiang Mai that was seriously unforgettable. 

While in Thailand, I've developed this obsession with taking pictures of my feet wherever we go.
Why wouldn't I want to document everywhere my feet have been in this country?!
So here they are--my tootsies in the mountains of Chiang Mai.
After our drive up the mountains, we scooted our way to this little Mexican restaurant we had scouted out earlier in the day--"Miguels." Let me just tell you, this place was heaven sent. All of us ordered massive burritos and probably devoured them faster than any human has ever devoured a burrito before in their life. Beans and cheese and a whole lot of enchilada sauce was enough to make five American girls very, very happy and content for the next 24 hours. We are a bit ashamed to say that this meal was probably one of our very favorites since being in Thailand. Shhh.... not that we don't love congealed duck blood....

We spent some time visiting some more Thai temples.
Honestly, I feel like we are visiting the same temple over and over again.
They are all soo similar. Like fireworks right?
Once you've seen've seen em' all!
....still working on being cultured here, people.

Did some shopping of course. Did a lot of shopping in fact.
But most the time just felt like doing what this lady here is doing--napping ever so happily.

And of course, road some Tuk-Tuks.
Chiang Mai..
You did it again.
You managed to steal our hearts and our money.
Can't wait to see what Round Three has in store for us!

P.S...If there had been a "Soundtrack to my life" for this weekend.
This would have been the song. So addicting. Cannot. Stop. Listening.

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