Meet the Roomies: Angee

Everybody meet Angee.
She's basically Six feet of amazing model-ness.
Seriously people, she's gorgeous and we all kind of hate her for making us always look like slobs. 

Angee is one of the kindest people I have literally ever met.
She's always so willing to help, and very motherly.
It's true, she keeps us in line. 

Angee is a perfect example of being true to yourself.
She's 100 % committed to her beliefs and she's not going to change that for anybody.
I know right? Beautiful inside and out. These people do exist.
You just can't make this stuff up I tell ya!

She's also hilarious.
She doesn't know it. But she definitely gives us some of the greatest laughs.
Her one-liners? Priceless.
She's patient with her three crazy "flat-mates" as we stay up far too late.
Laugh over the stupidest youtube videos ever so obnoxiously, and constantly interrupt her stories.
Also, she informed us the other night of this bit of golden info:
Since 2009 Angee has never skipped a day of BOM reading!
That people, is something to be proud of.
Love you Angela! 

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