What the....

WARNING: Do not read this post if you are pregnant, or have a weak stomach. Or have blue eyes....or purple nails...or are wearing green. Nah, just kidding... you can read it if you are all of those things. But seriously, this post is probbbably TMI. So yeah, just know that I warned you. 

Well folks.
I am 90% sure that I have a parasite and am going to die. 
Or, maybe I am just a foolish hypocondriac. 
But in any case, 
the weirdest thing happened tonight. 
And I'm going to go ahead and tell you just how weird it was. 

So a few weeks ago my innards started hating me. 
But this wasn't a big deal really, because at the time pretty much all of our innards were hating.
So, I just figured there was a bug, if anything, going around. 
Anytime I ate dinner, 20ish minutes later my stomach screamed at me and threatened to punch me in the face. Or something like that. But alas, my stomach was full of empty threats because nothing ever happened. I just felt lousy for a few hours and then just went to bed. 
Soon enough, that issue went away and I was able to eat my dinner in peace!

Until tonight.
Ate breakfast, toast. ---nothing. 
Ate lunch, this macaroni dish that I don't really love but ate anyways--nothing. 
Ate snack, Mangos and Rice which Shayla ate also---nothing. 
Sipped on Raspberry Lemonade crystal light all day long---nothing. 
Ate dinner, rice and soy sauce basically---nothing. 

So, now that you've judged me for my eating habits from the day, let's move on.
After dinner, Shayla and I dinked around on the computer for hours.
Then I Skyped with the people that gave me life.
Then I decided I probably should shower. So I did that.
And it's a good thing today was not a hair-washing day, because the water shut off on me.
Then I came back in the room washed my face, talked to roomies for a moment. 
And all of the sudden... 
Nausea. Disgusting I'm going to vomit any moment, nausea. 
So naturally, I just thought I was hungry.
So, I ate some dry toast. 
Nausea persists. I lay on the bed, still chatting with roomies, laughing and such things. 
Suddenly, jaw gets really tight, mouth starts to water like fiend. 
I'm up, and running  walking briskly to the bathroom. 

I bet I don't even need to tell you what happened next. 
But I will anyway.
I totally vomited my toast! 
All that discomfort for a tiny bit of stomach contents. 
I just don't get it. 
Like a big girl, I picked myself up off the floor, 
and went back in my room laughing as I told the girls that I was just sick. 
Yet my demeanor was totally fine! Chipper, even.
Marci literally sat up from her bed she was so astonished, 
And Angee from her almost slumber!

I am aware I just blogged a whole blog about my vomit.
But seriously, what the......
this all happened literally within 15 minutes. 
You can't tell me that days and day of nausea from dinner producing nothing,
and then 15 minutes of who the heck knows what producing not much either.
Is not from some brain sucking, intestine dwelling parasite.
I'm as good as gone I tell ya! 

Oh, Hi. 
Note to self...NEVER  Google, "Parasite" on a quesy stomach. Oh. My. Gosh. 

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