Twrue Wuv.

This last weekend was perhaps one of the coolest of my life.
Ake decided he liked he put a ring on it!
Tang and Ake are now officially wed.
And let me tell you, there is nothing like a Thai wedding to make you incredibly wedding hungry.
Yikes. All in good time Kaitlen, alllll in good time.
But anywhoo. It was awesome and I loved every minute of it!
Yes, even the part where we were trapped upstairs for 3 hours waiting to get our makeup done.
And creating stories of bean burritos and quivering chins to pass the time. Hilarious.

My Preawa girl! This girl's got the whole school wrapped around her finger. 

Pordee is Preawa's little brother.
This kid---he's got me wrapped around his finger, that is for sure.

hahahaha gotta love our body parts pictures.

Mhew and Gai! ....and Gai dressed as a fairy? 

Part of the morning ceremony 

After making money at the wedding? Say whaaa? 

The beautiful Thai teachers we work with.

"Mom" and I. Love this cute lady!

....and this is where Marci ripped her dress.

Nest! We love this boy. He's stolen all of our hearts.
Us girls with Mom and Dad....and dads purse.....

The beautiful bride and her teachers.
We love us some cousin Jack!
Love even more that this was his outfit for the entire day.
He's far too cool.

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