I'm still crazy!

It's been really far to long since I've blogged about a subject very dear to my heart. 
You see, as you well know. 
Unless you are new to this blog. 
About 17 months ago I sent a boy who I'm quite crazy about off to a different country for two years. 
He's been over there doing all sorts of cool things. 
Getting hexed. Warding off beautiful Brazilians. Working tirelessly to be one heck of a missionary. 
Dealing with interesting companions. Climbing trees. Baptizing like a mad man. 
Becoming senior companion within six months of his mission. And Zone leader just after a year. 
All the while, looking so good doing it. 

I think I've missed blogging about months 15, 16, and 17. 
Forgive me. There's been a lot going on, okay? 
But I just want you all to know. 
I'm still crazy about that boy in Brazil! 
Things are better than ever. He's working like a mad man. And supporting me in all my decisions.
EVEN if that means possibly being in China instead of the USA when he comes home....Ssshh...
And I'm loving my time here in Thailand. Grateful for his constant love, support and patience with me.
Blown away that in just under 7 months, that boy will be HOME. 

Keep up the good work Cameron Dale. 
So insanely proud of you. 

Love you Unlimited!

* Please note, I would attach a picture of said missionary boy at the bottom of this post. But alas, he is the worst picture-sender-homer EVER and I don't get pictures unless I beg for them for weeks before hand.----I'll start begging.*

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