Pros & Cons

Here is a list I have come up with of the Pros & Cons of Nursing Vs. Teaching. Input? Advice.

Please and Thank you :]


  • Always a demand- Everyone needs healthcare!
  • Great pay! - Do I see a Range Rover in my future? I think yes.
  • You basically get to wear P-jams to work errr day.
  • Not to toot my own horn or anything... but I look very cute in scrubs.
  • Interesting- what isn't interesting about the human body?
  • Semi sucky schedule. I am not a fan of working nights, or weekends....or holidays.
  • Though it is interesting, I can see it also being boring maybe? Charts, charts, charts..
  • High Stress
  • Programs are often ridiculous to get into, and very grueling and competitive.
  • No promise of working with children like I would like to do.
Teaching: (To clarify, I want to teach 1st or 2nd...maybe 3rd grade)

  • Killer Schedule! Seriously, teachers have it made.
  • Cute kids! I am good with kids!
  • Um, my very own classroom to decorate,organize, etc. 'nuff said.
  • You get to basically relive the best time ever, elementary school!
  • Planning fun activites constantly!
  • Working with the kiddos to have fun and learn too.
  • Amazing benefits
  • Could be home when my future children are home!
  • Job availability? Carlee doesn't think this will be an issue...and I quote "There will always be a demand...people aren't just going to stop having children"
  • Let's be real, the pay isn't all that great.
  • Lots of kids, allll day long.
  • I don't want people to think I am wussing out of Nursing. :]
Do you see my delema? Decisions, Decisions.... and the question is not "What can you see yourself being happy each day doing?" Because honestly, I can see myself being happy in either career. Blast.

One Way?

It seems like I am constantly changing my mind. I swear in the last six months I have made plans to study abroad, move to Salt Lake, Move out in St. George with my best friend, Stay at home and never leave my parents house, quit my job, stay with my job for the rest of my life, get my masters, drop out of college immediately, move to a 3rd world country, never leave the United states, run a marathon, become a big fatty couch potato.... are you getting the point? I feel like I can never make up my mind and it is incredibly frustrating! My latest frustration? What to major in. I know right? For what seems like the last 4+ years I have geared everything to being in the Health Care field and recieved nothing but praise for my decision. "It's such a great field" ..."There will always be a demand" .... "You would make a great nurse" ..... "I wish I would have done what you are doing" ....."The pay is great!" ...etc, etc. Did and done. Nursing it was. Lately, I have been trying real hard to figure out what direction I want to take, how I want to approach my schooling seeing as I will be graduating with my AS this summer, I need to start thinking about what steps to take next. Nursing was just causing me a ridiculous amount of stress. So this last weekend I was venting to my mom about all of this and I told her "Forget Nursing! I'm going to hair school!" .... while we both agree that it would be great to have a hair person in the family, we came to the conclusion that seeing as I never have any desire to do anybodys probably was not the right field for me. She did ask me however if not Nursing, what else I had considered. And it was clear as day; teaching.  When I told her that has crossed my mind multiple times she stated that maybe it was a prompting. The more I think about it, I think she may be right. So there it is peeps, I am considering Teaching instead of Nursing. There I go chaning my mind again. But you know what? It came to me tonight that there is absolutely nothing wrong with changing my mind. Because right now, I CAN. I have nothing tying me down, and really nothing to lose. I can do what I want, where I want, and change my mind a million billion different times because that is what 18 year olds are supposed to do. Change their minds, figure things out, test the waters a little bit, and figure out who they are, what they want, and how they are going to get there. It's a little bit exciting don't you think!? I have always been one of those people that always like to have a plan. I like to know where I'm going, and how I'm going to get there; right now. So here is to putting my trust and faith in the Lord and myself, changing my mind 100 billion times, making up my mind, figuring out who I am, and what exactly it is I want. I am confident that one day, I will end up exactly where I want to be, and exactly where I am supposed to be.

Whats my latest interest you ask?

Volunteering for 5 months in St. Petersburg Russia January 2012-June 2012 with Internation Langauge Program with a good friend teaching english to children! And yes, my parents are just thrillllled ;]

Packing: The bane of my existence.

Seriously? Somethings got to give. Let it be known that I am the worst packer in the history of packers. And we are not talking about the football team here folks. I just wish once in my life packing would come easy. I just wish ONCE I would not over pack, or underpack  noppe.. scratch that. I pretty much just always overpack. Normally, I pack days in advance. Not this time. As I type this, my suitcase lays there perrrettty much emptysauce. I'm just not feelin it. We are leaving tomorrow morning around noon, I have class from 8am-noonish. Sooo yeah, I'm hoping my suticase just packs itself for once. No matter howww many times I beg it to do it himself, he never does. Selfish suitcase. And you want to know what is even more annoying? Cameron Dale. The boy can pack a suitecase/duffle/backpack/anything that will hold his clothing in SECONDS. Seriously, it is absolutely ridiculous. And he never overpacks, and he never forgets anything. How he does it, I have no idea.

Well, it's off to SL,UT for the weekend! I am actually really looking forward to it... minus the craptastic weather they have up there. Forcing me to lug out my winter clothing once again. And by Winter I mean black clothing. Boooo....

Pinkie Swear!

This is my last post for the night.
I'm Sorrrrrry okay?
Sometimes I just get a little carried away.
And this one obviously could not be helped.
Yayy for Elder Ricker in the MTC
(Yep, this was like... 4 months ago?)
Wearing his super sweet Brazilian Jersey some super great girl got him
Raise your hand if you bought Elder Ricker this jersey!
*Raises and waves hand like those annoying kinds in class*
Me, me, me!
And I must say, he is looking mighty handsome.


Yes, I felt a goat with the number "10" painted on the side of it was all too fitting for this post. You see, Yesterday I registered for Summer Semester I know, the words make me ill aswell. Summer and Semester were never intended to be in the same sentence.ever. However, what does not make me nausious is...... Ladies and Gents, I have a whopping TEN CREDITS left until I am graduated with my Two Year degree. That makes me all sorts of giddy and excited. TEN! And to make things even better. My Summer Semester schedule could not be better. Chemistry with NO LAB M,T,W,R at 11am. Allowing me all sorts of time to sleep in. Then I have an online Math and Childrens literature class. Boom baby. 10 credits? Pah-Lease.

Growing up...#2

My very first dish set.
Waddaya think?!
I'm quite proud.
A set that is both adorable.
And functional.
And by functional I mean won't break when I drop them.
Which I will. No doubt.
But I can't take all the credit.
Peggy and Danielle helped too!

Growing up is easy peasy.
Cute dishes...... Check. 

Holy Balls.

Let me apologize if you are offended by the title of this post.
I just couldn't help it.
Probably why I made the switch to Private.
So the whole world doesn't think terribly of me.
Just my closest friends and family.
Movvvving on. 
Ocassionally I get a "bee in my bonnet" as mom says.
and I have this crazy urge to cook.
Or bake.
Or craft something.
Really, though. It comes on about once a month.
(I've noticed it is usually right before my monthly gift)
My aplogies.
This month, I was at work and noticed a mag article about..
"Cake Balls"
And that little bee snuck right underneath my bonnet.
Because I flew out of workstraight to the Wal*Mart
for some delicious cake ball ingredients.
Ladies and Gentlemen..
this is what yours truly created.
aren't you proud.
So domestic.
One more for good measure.
They were delicious
Even Mom thought so..
After of course she got over the initial shock upon walking in the door.
That I had made these delectable desserts.
While she was H-core dieting..

Happy Heart

Today is a happy day.
Full of happiness.
And happy hearts.
Do you get that today was a happy day?
Because it really was.
And here are a few reasons why:
-Peggys Surgery went very well! She is doing great.
- Work went by fasst today.
- Got to spend some time just relaxing with mom and pop.
- Bugzee's paw is healing(story to come)
-I went to TJMaxx...and successfully avoided buying anything!
-Got paid at work!

Today was a happy day.
And you know you're doing something right
or have something good.
When the good days, always out-number the bad.
no matter what the circumstance.
Goodnight lovies!


Tonight, as I was showering. I for some reason, was pondering all of my OCD tendencies... I never really thought I was very "Obsessive Compulsive" if you whill, but turns out, the list is longer than I had anticipated. So naturally, I will blog that list. And you will like it.

  • I have to have two sheets of paper when writing. It is impossible for my to write on one single sheet of paper. There must be one under it, serving absolutely zero purpose. Goooodbyye rainforests.
  • I can't sleep with my closet doors shut. (Hence the reason I recently had dad just take them off completely) I have a fear of people hiding in my closet. No joke.
  • ...My closet is organized in a ridiculous manor. I won't go into details, but let's just say I've been known to color corridinate, well as hangers.
  • I absolutely cannot sleep if my room is a mess. I also cannot relax until I feel like things are neat and tidy.
  • I can't just scribble out a word if writing in pen and mess up. Unacceptable. I've been known to be half way into a page of writing, and completely start over.
  • I color corridinate my school notes, every subject. Highlighters are my best friends.
  • I have the same routine in the shower, always. Rinse for about 3-10 minutes...depending on my time allowence, shampoo...twice. Wash face. Condition. Shave. Wash bod. Rinse/brush teeth. Always.
  • I can't listen to music quite, It has to be booming, or off. Quite music just drives me crazy.
  • I have to sleep with a giant comforter on me. Even if it is in the dead of a StG summer, I have a comforter on. Socks too!

"If I only had a brain..."

Tomorrow is February 17th, 2011.
It's St. Pattys Day.
I work 7-3
I have to go get a drug test after work
(Volunteer stuff)
It's a Thursday.
I will probably attend Zumba.
Or some sort of physical exercise.
Greys Anatomy is on Thursdays.
Love me some greys.
Oh yeah,
And Cams mom is getting Brain Surgery.
Nooo big.
But she is set and ready to go.
She has a fabulous surgeon
(from what I hear)
She's stocked up on some Nordstroms Hats/Scarfs for her bald head.
family surrounding her.
St. George peeps praying for her.
And for crying out loud,
She's got a son on a mission.
She's going to be absolutely fine.
I predict she'll walk right off that operating table.
But seriously, She's a champ.
I'll keep ya posted!

Viva Las Vegas!

This last week Cams parents were going to be in Las Vegas for a BSU basketball tournement; Spring break is this coming week and I had planned on going to Idaho for a little visit, but Peggys surgery was moved up to next week so I decided to take Danielle, and take a quick little trip down to see Peggy and Don  in Vegas before her surgery. That is right, I drove to Vegas in my little Mazda, and I did so good! Cams parents even said they would make sure to tell Cam what a great job I did, because for some reason; he thinks I am the worst driver out there (You almost run ONE stop sign and all credibility is lost) Anywhoo, it was great fun and I am really glad that I was able to make the trip to see them. It was so nice to see them again, but I would be lying if I said it didn't make me miss the boy just a little more than usual. Thanks for all the fun guys!
Don, Peggy and myself at "Jersey Boys" Soo good!
View from the top of our hotel!
Gotta love those Marriott discounts.
(Don't mind the unkept hair..)
Danielle and I tasted 18 flavors of coke..
from 18 different countries.
It was... an experience!

"Where are the lions?"

All in all, it was a fabulous little mid-week getaway. I am so lucky to have such great people in my life. Seriously, I realize it errr day how truly blessed I am to be surrounded with people I truly love! And I guess they kind of love me too! (Or they pretend to...but hey, I'll take it!) Thanks again Rickers and Danielle for all the fun! ....and all of your faith in my driving capabilities.. 

I Belieb I've been Jimmered...

I have full blow Bieber Fever.
All Stardom, Age, and reality aside.
I'm convinced we were made for each other. 
Cam may just lose his girlfriend to the Biebs. 
Even so, I'm sure he would understand. 
Let's get one thing straight before we continue.. 
I am not, nor ever will be a BYU fan. 
However, recently due to circumstance
I was forced to watch the BYU game. 
If things don't work out with JB,
I will marry Jimmer Fredette I guess.. 
That's Right. 
I've been Jimmered. 
"...That sounds dirty" -T. Moffitt  


Gooooodbye 5 whole months
Thank you for treating us great.
Though I joke that,
"Those are five months I will thankfully never have to relive"
I am kind of sad to see you go.
There was lots of fun to be had.
And I can't believe you have come and gone already.

It's Been Far Too Long #

Since I wrote a sappy,
cheesy, girly, somewhat-pathetic
post about this guy right here.
So, here it is.
In 2 days.. he will have been gone 5 months!
...not that I am counting.
But are you kidding me?
This is going by way too fast.
But sometimes not fast enough.
He is a full fledge portugese speaking missionary.
And I could not be more excited for him.
Despite all his growing, and changing-ness.
He is still my Cam.
His letters/emails/voice recordings crack me up.
He is happy, safe, and working hard.
And that makes my heart very happy :]

Growing up!

Holy smokes sportsfans.. if you could only see what I have been up to lately. Besides the every day "hum-de-dum"; tests have been taken, applications filled out, emails recieved, loans calculated, apartments researched, jobs searched, budgets planned, and I even went to Tai Pan on my own free will to look for DISHES. If you know me at all, you know I have a burning passion for Tai Pan and am always dragged in there by my ear by my sisters and mother...but this time, I went there all on my own. Ridiculous. I am in shock that it is already March!! What the heck? Where is the time going. Spring semester is half way over, and college applications are being submitted right and left. I can't remember if I have posted anything about my ongoing delema about where to go to school, I'm sure I have because it has been this giant elephant in the room for the past 324398 days but the good news is. after much deliberation with family, friends, heavenly father, and just about anyone that would listen... I finally figured it out! Thasss right ladies and gentleman... I will be attending the University of Utah come fall 2011. If I get in that is! Applications are due April 1st so I am working on getting that all done and sent in. I also applied for my backup school Weber State University... just as insurance. All the sudden the realization that I will be moving out on my own in only 5 short months has hit me like a freight train. Am I big enough? I am just a tiny baby girl still! I remember watching my older siblings move out around this time in their lives and they all seemed so old and mature! .... I am not old, nor to I feel mature enough. But I will tell you what sportsfans, I am So Excited. The thought of having my own little apartment, roomies, attending the school I have wanted to go to foorrrreevvver, living up in Salt Lake, close to two of  my seesters and their families has me absolutely giddy.Yes, I know it will not be all peaches and cream. Suddenly I will have to start thinking about rent, and food, and all of that Jazz but I feel like I can do this. At least if I just keep telling myself that ;]  I have just about accomplished my goal of getting my assocaites at Dixie and I feel like this is just exactly what I am supposed to do. And I don't know if you have any idea of what a good feeling that is! I am not moving up with any of my friends (as of yet.. still trying to convince some!)  and that is a little bit scary, but It is a new and exciting adventure and I can't wait! It's a weird thing, growing up. Just last year I was getting ready to graduate high school and had many, very... ambitious plans. It's funny how you take those plans, and alter them a little bit, change the time frame, add and subtract a few variables, and though you may have been disapointed at first that they did not "work out" exactly how you had planned, you realize, you are exactly where you need to be. I am so grateful for the life I live. Seriously, I am incredibly blessed. I am humbled by my amazing parents and siblings They are so supportive, even though they all worry like crazy, and sometimes have just a liitttle bit too much of an opinion, they are always there to back me up and for me to bounce ideas off of. So here is to growing up, and all of the cute dishes that go along with it.