Sometimes you just gotta blog.

Yep, it's true. Sometimes you just have so much running through your mind that you might as well put it on your blog, yeah? So here is a little WARNING this is going to be a bit lengthy, and a lot wordy. I'm giving you your chance now to You're still here? Wonderful :]

So today I went to the dentist. I also went exactly one week ago, but he made me come back. And low and behold... it was NOT because of cavities! Supposedly I had a small crack in one of my teeth and he wanted to fill it in before I flee the country. He promised me it would not take longer than fifteen minutes...and let me just tell you, that man does not lie! My appointment was at 11:00 this morning, and I was back in my car by 11:08. I'm not kidding you! But here's the thing, I walk in the office, the lady takes me back, straps me to the chair and gives me a long Q-tipy thing to put in my cheek to numb it a little bit. No big deal right? She always does this before they give me the numbing shot and before they start drilling except get this THEY DON"T GIVE ME THE SHOT. He proceeded to drill my tooth (he called it "smoothing down") my tooth, before he patched it or whatever WITHOUT a numbing shot. Okay, so it didn't really hurt, except a few little parts...but the bottom line is this: I don't care if you are giving me a root canal, or "smoothing" my tooth....if there is a drill entering my mouth sir, I want novocaine.

After my eight minute dentist appointment, I headed over to the hospital to see my friend Jessica that just had her little baby Aiden! Holy cow, can I have a baby ppllleeassseee? I'm half kidding...and half not. This baby boy was absolutely perfect! He had the cutest dark hair and big eyes and he let me hold him and cuddle him until my little heart was content...and until his little tummy got hungry. Then he just wanted nothing to do with me. Rude. Jess is such a trouper, she has definitely not had the easiest of situations but she has been nothing but positive about thee whole thing. And after a 20 hour labor, and C-section, she was STILL so positive and is just grinning from ear to ear with her little guy. It was the weirdest thing to hold him and think that just a few days ago this little thing was literally inside of my friends body. Isn't that creepy?! I don't know why it was so strange to me this time, I have held many a baby from my sisters. Anyways, she is doing great, and is actually home now! I can't wait for that experience, seriously...cannot wait...but at the same time....I can definitely wait :)

So the Jensen girls had a bit of a difficult few hours today....hahahaha this is seriously so sad. But it was one of those things, that when I was trying to tell my mom the rest of the story, I couldn't finish because I was laughing too hard. Which is seriously terrible.. and you will see why. So Mckenzie has two cats... Pablo (affectionately pronounced [Pweb-Lo] by yours truly) and Booby his soul. That is right, she murdered boobins today. Okay, so it's not murder if it is on accident, but boobys head accidentally got stuck under the garage door (which was a FREAK accident, so Kenz and I decided it must have been his time to go) and he is now buried in their back yard (i'm assuming) anyways, Mason, the poor boy, was in tears for a good couple hours after the fact. But don't worry, we informed him that Nana's whore of a cat is pregnant again, and another boobins is on his way! Now for the 2nd Jensen girl, I decided to go with Kenz to scouts today and help her out. They were playing soccer so Kenz made me be on one of the boys teams. Well, I guess there is one kid in the group that kind of struggles, physically, so they made him goalie of my opposing team. So I'm just kinda meandering around the field, letting the boys play but then this kid kicks the ball right too me...and the space between me and the goalie is wide naturally I had to take my shot! DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT PLAY SOCCER, NOR HAVE I EVER PLAYED SOCCER...MY KICKING ABILITIES ARE VERY TERRIBLE AND USUALLY HAVE NO DISTANCE WHATSOEVER. The moment my foot met that ball, and I saw it flying through the air at great speeds...I knew it would not end well. Sure enough, that ball soars rrriiighhht into the physically disabled boys face...sending him, and his glasses flying. The look on these ten year old boys faces as they all thought "I can't believe you would do such a horrific thing!" was so incredibly shameful. I rushed over to the boys side and apologized like crazy, returned his glasses, and apologized again. Like a true man, he pretended like it didn't even phase him, shrugged my hands off his shoulders, snatched his glasses out of my hands and stood up.....slowly. Seriously....a rough few hours for the Jensen girls. Now do you see why I am a terrible person and could not even tell the stories to my mother?

Well, it's far past my bedtime so I am going to abruptly end this blog post and get to bed! So here is a great little quote to end the evening.

"No matter what a persons past--their future is spotless" 
How's that for encouraging! 

I can count on TWO HANDS

Hiiayyaa there.
I just wanted to let you know
that as of yesterday.
Exactly 10 months from yesterday.
That boy that I adore so much,
comes backk to meeee!!!
I can count on both my hands.
This is incredibly exciting.
and so, so doable :]
Two hands I say...
Two hands!! 

Woohoo! Fundraising!

Hello everybody who reads this blog! So as you all know I am getting ready to leave for Thailand here soon. Well, I'm still fundraising! I set up this awesome site that will help me with that, and it helps you too! So basically, you donate to the cause, and you get awesome deals on any resturant of your choice! I know it sounds phony... but it's totally trusted, tried, and true blue!! I would appreciate it if you at least took a moment to stop by and check it out, and spread the word! Who doesn't want to help a sista out? Annnnd get free food while doing it?! You are the best :]
Website can be found riiiightt hereee

Let's talk about love.

Iiiiiiiiiiiii am in love.
And I don't care who knows it.
You see, I have this unhealthy
sick, twisted, obsessive love for
Dr. Spencer Reid.
orrr Mathew Gray Gubler
from Criminal Minds
Which I also have a twisted obsession with.

But for serious,
I love this man. 
I tell my mom constantly that if he  poppd out of the screen,
and asked for my hand in marriage.
I would not even hesitate.
Mom thinks he is too femine.
But he's not. She is very wrong.

Ohh baby!!
How could you not?
I'm half tempted to become a Criminal.
Jusst so this guy can hunt me down.
And yes,
I truly believe he would.

Is this real life?

Besides this video being absolutely hilarious.
This is exactly how I feel right now.
And no, not because I am incredibly sleepy.
OR because I have a dentist appointment tomorrow.
It's because,
 I leave for Thailand in 42 days people. 
Isn't that insane?! I knowwww you are probably sick of my countdowns.
But this is my blog, and I can do what I want. So meh!

Amen Barney....amen.

I'm so glad you made it.

Remember last week
when I had "the best dream ever"?? 
Remember that? Okay, good. 
Scratch that. 

My mom hatttttes listening to dreams. 
cereal, she hates it...iduuno, she's a weirdo. 
But anyways, she actually listening to this one. 
And I even got a "Aww really?" at the end of it. 
Boooya!! It was that good. 

So for the sake of documentation, 
here it is folks. 
The best dream of my life. 

Okay, so in my dream there was a giant gathering of people in the woods. Idunno, strange. But seriously, there were a ton of people, sitting in chairs, listening to this guy speak. And not unlike myself, I was late. I showed up like half way through the shindig, and I quietly as possible, (which wasn't very quiet), made my way to my seat. A little embarrassed about being late, I just sat there, staring straight ahead not looking at anybody. All of the sudden the person sitting on my right, grabbed my hand and whispered "I'm so glad you made it." When I looked over, there was Cam beaming, with his crooked smile, squeezing my hand. 
And that was it. That was my whole dream. Nothing spectacular, nothing incredibly romantic. But just soo comfortable, so...idunno? Us. For a few reasons, #1: Cam is thee most punctual person I know. #2: I am ALWAYS late. Always. #3: It was so comfortable, it was like "oh, duh! Of course that Is Cam grabbing my hand." Not a bad way to wake up at all :] 

And for the record... I only hit snooze ONCE this morning. But, I actually just turned my alarm clock off... so I guess that doesn't really count. Bummer. 

Okay so...

This morning,
I literally lost count of how many times I pushed snooze. 
hahahaha it's quite comical actually. 
I just cannot bring myself to get out of my warm bed!
Impossible I say!! 
Tomorrow is a new day, 
and I will do better. 

Maybe I will actually remember how many times I hit the dang button. 

Weekly Goals.

I have decided to make my weekly goal public... for a couple of reasons. One being, if I have them up here...maybe they will actually be accomplished?! hahah, one can only hope, right? So here it is, November 13-19th goals!

  1. Only push snooze ONCE- I was going to say not at all...but let's be realistic here.. 
  2. Don't miss one day of scripture study and prayer. 
  3. Find a way to do service at least twice this week. 
  4. Accomplish at least 5 things on my weekly To-Do list a day---yeah, it's a long one.
  5. Mark at least 3 things off of my "Thailand Checklist" 
Ready, set...go! 

Happy, Happy, Happy!

The other day I saw a post on this girls blog about all things that made her happy. I loved it because immediately it made me start thinking about things that have been making me happy lately, and that was just what I needed. Because sometimes you can get so caught up in the things that make you unhappy, that you forget to focus on all of those little things that make you so, so happy. 

- 50 days until i'm outtta here!
- Thee best parents in this world. Who also bring me dinner at work, because that just happened. Score!
-A best friend who I freaking love. Immma miss her!
- 33 calendar days until the semester is over.
- Pandora knowing all of the songs my soul loves to hear. Magic.
- Actually being excited to go to Geo tomorrow and see what my test score is, pretty sure it's a good one!
- Training this week up in Provo!
- The fact that Cam now emails Monday earllly morning, so when I go to school, I can read his email first thing :]
- 34 days until I am on a plane to Idaho to visit my favorite Ricker family!
- The fact that it's "heater" time! I love waking up to that heater smell wafting through the house.
- A friend who is suuuuch a good sport on blind dates. hahahahha.
- The fact that I no longer feel the need to wash my hair every day, and now go 3+ days between washes? Gross? No.
- Biotin...seriously, that stuff is awesome! Grow hairrrr....Growwww!
- Plans for this coming August to move to SLC with my best pal. Cannot. Stinkin. Wait.
- A cold that only lasted 2 days.

Happy Sunday Errrbody! 


Seriously...I am just that. 
I blame it on the hormones! 
Lately I have been all over the place, 
physically and emotionally. But let's focus on the emotional part. 

May-October I have been So Stinkin Excited
for this trip to Thailand. Seriously, my excitement was contagious. 
Thenn October rolls around, things at home pick up, WAY up. 
And suddenly I am dreading this trip 90% of the time. 
And excited 10% of the time. 
Not. Okay. 

It's just that October was such a good month! 
tons of fun activities with friends and family. 
Lots of time to reflect on what a awesome life I have. 
At home. In St. George. 
So, I found myself asking WHY THE HECK 
am I leaving this awesomeness for a place 39742398 miles away. 
with a bunch of people I don't know. 
Without the comforts of my home, friends and family. 
Why, why, why??
Kaitlen, you idiot. 

I wish I could say that I had some awesome revelation 
and give you the reason why I am going. such luck my friends. 
I still have no idea what I was thinking. 
But I do know that it just feels right. 
I just know this is going to be an amazing opportunity that I will cherish forever. 
I'm young, and healthy, and able, so why not. 

It's exciting isn't it? 
A new county. New people. New adventures. 
Five months of a brand new outlook. 
That is exciting like crazy!! 

So here I am 52 days away saying, 
I cannot wait. 
I'm sure it will hit me again, 
how good life is here. And how scary this all seems. 
But I will mini-panic again... 
But I'm ready. 
Let's do this!! 

No Lie..

This man just checked in to the hotel.
Nope, despite what everyone says.
He in fact, is living.

I SHOULD be paying attention.

Buttttttt....I just can't. It is literally impossible for me to be interested in Geology 1010 taught by Mr. I don't know how to have one ounce of fun. Ever. And, I cut my own bangs. Disregard that little rant... you won't understand too much of it unless you are Katelyn, but thassss okay! But you get the point. I would rather scrape my eyeballs out with dull spoons than sit in this class one minute longer.

Soooo to avoid eyeball scraping, I will simply sit in class--looking like I am taking notes, but really, blog about all the random things in my mind right now. Take that sir!

Last night I had the best dream of myyy life! You guessed it, it was indeed about the boy on a mission and it was superb! You know how they have those like "take your daughter" to work days? Well, it just so happened to be "Take your girlfriend on your mission with you, day!" and I did just that, I went to Brazil with Cam for one whole day and he showed me all sorts of nifty things and we had a grand ol time. Except we couldn't touch. That sucked. But anyways! At the end of the day he took me back home (yep, to STG..he is such a gentleman) and we walked into my house, and everybody was asleep and so I said goodnight and started to walk into my room and he chased after me and gave me a giant hug, and we hugged for 2932438 minutes. Greatest. Thing. Ever. and then he left, and I woke up a very happy girl :]

Let's just do a number update here real quickly, shall we?
39 days left in the semester.
40 days left until I leave for Idaho!
48 days left until Christmas!
56 days left until I leave for the lands of Thai!! (Yes, I am now more excited than I am nervous...for now anyways.)

Annnnddd.....325 days left until Cam is home! ...Just had to throw that in there, for good measure :D

Anyways, this post was completely pointless what you know what, one day I will come back and read this and be like "Oh yeah! I hated Geology, and Oh yeah! I remember that dream!" And it will all be worth it! Riiiiight?

13 Months.

Piiieeece of cake. 
Okay, no.
Most days. 

Boy do I miss him. 
But boy am I grateful for these two years. 
because quite frankly, 
I've got a lot of growing up to do. 
And I realize that more every day. 
And I'm grateful for his patience with me. 
Every. Day. 

LYU Elder Newly appointed Zone Leader!! 
So proud of you!  
11 more months! 

"Kaitlen Paige Yensen! Just so you never forget, I literally love you unlimited amounts. 
More than you will ever realize."

Road Trippin' 101.

A road-trip is not ever complete without a slim jim for breakfast. 

Take our advice. Don't fool yourself by thinking you can travel for 4+ hours..
and then shop for 4+ hours
and  not look like this by the end of the day. 

Spend some quality time with family at the funnest play place around.
But make sure to fill up your game card with at least $20 
because "insufficiant funds" when you are trying to play a water gun game.
is unexplainably sad. 

Save monies by avoiding food all together. 
Simply get your energy from 3+ energy drinks a day..
a whole tub of Honey Greek Yogurt and sour patch kids. 
Every. Day.  
Don't be sad when plans fall through. 
Laying on your hotel bed for hours is just as good. 
Don't forget to put your parking pass on your dash. 
Your car WILL get a boot put on it. 
And you will trek to the front desk and demand it be removed in your socks. 
But you will want to ask to keep the paper to scrapbook. 
When you are afraid that creeps are peekin in to your 1st floor hotel room, 
simply gather together the curtains and tie with a hair elastic in the middle. 
Creativity at it's finest. 

Do go to the Living Planet Aquarium and take a solid 5 minutes
bending down to take a picture in front of a random sea rock thing. 
Do that. 
Also, pet some sting rays while you are there. 
Or pretend to, after one of them attacks you. 
And then smell like fish for the rest of the day. 
Make sure your pits are dry before you arrive at your destination. 
 Even request that your best friend fan them if needed.

Go bowling with some dapper men, lay on the grass at the U, 
walk around in the avenues, and stop at a 7-11 on your way back, 
for what else? Red Bulls. 
Around 11pm, decide to drive 35 minutes away to attend the haunted forest. 
Next time, make sure the guy-girl ratio is even. It is a must. 
Next time, make sure you use the bathroom prior. 

Do not attempted to eat Sunday brunch at a very posh "Wild Grape"
More-so, do not order the hazelnut french toast or breakfast burrito.
Also, be prepared to pay $3 for that tiny cup of juice.
And no, there are no free refills at the grape.

Do make a random supposed-to-be quick trip to PC
end up spending half the day there, 
and then end up staying at a sweeeet Marriott for pennies. 

Clearly your going to need to take advantage of the giant checkers board.
And if you play correctly, you will be victorious. 

 Eat some real food at thee most delicious Mexican restaurant
....nameeed ...Something Cantina. DO order milk if available.
On the way back to the room, drop your food in the middle of the hallway. 
And hey, if you feel like your going to lose it your laughing so hard. 
Just take a sit. Riight in the middle of the hallway. 
Your best friend will gladly capture the moment on camera. 

End your trip with good friends, looking terrible in sweats, 
eating again...lots of crappy food, talking & laughing, 
playing minute-to-win-it with sour gummy worms, 
groccery shopping for cold medicine, exploring the huge resort, 
and playing some chess with visine. 

And hey, it's okay to be pathetically sad when you leave for home the next morning. 

Something always brings me back to you---it never takes too long.

"You just watch Kaitlen, those things that you've forgotten about him in the last year; are going to be those things that draw your right back to him when he is home." 

"Spook-Tacular" October!

Is it seriously November 1st already?
I'm freakin out yo! 
The month of October went by sooo stinkin fast. 
5 more days until Elder hottie Ricker boy has 11 months left.
TWO months from TOMORROW I leave for Thailand. 
A few odd weeks left of the semester. 
man oh man... I bet you'd never think you'd hear a 
"Missionary Girlfriend" 
say she wants time to slow down huh? 
But I definitely do. 
Just a little though! 
So here's a little October recap.. 
minus Katelyn and I's mini-cation.. 
That deserves a whole different post... 
which I will get to. 


Nanna and Papa had their first annual Halloween grandkiddies sleepover 
and clearly I could not stay away from these cute kids. 
We made Mummy dogs, witches fingers, witches hats and dirt cups. 
And of course watched "The Nightmare Before Christmas" 
Which has always confused me.... 
is it a Christmas movie? Or a Halloween movie? 
Innnn any case, there is no other way I would have loved to spend that Friday night. 

This Halloween, we could not pass up "The Howl" that DSC puts on every year.
Though this year, we went date-less, unlike last year
We unanimously decided for these types of activities...dateless is clearly the way to go. 
No commitment right? You can dance with whhooevvver you want :] 
Though Dillon and his friends, and Craig and Chase did show up and we had a blast with them all. 
Can you guess our costumes? 
"Three little kittens who lost their mittens!"

October 2011- Success :]