
Meeee againnn..... 
Sometimes I get in these thoughtful moods here in the land of Thai. Mostly at night, when we can't turn on our lights or else the bugs will come and attack so we are forced to lay in our beds and be on our lap-tops. So, here I am. Except...I am sitting at the table, with the lights on. Because we just got curtains and for the most part they keep the bugs out! Take that bugs.

But, I digress.. 

As I was sitting here, bug free..I was thinking about home. But really, it stemmed from this weekend when we packed up some essential belongings and peddled our way to the clinic. We go to the clinic on the weekends, because it feels like home. And also, Granny cooks for us--which is always something delicious. But we were talking about how much we love the clinic house, and how much it feels like home to us. Which we all find strange because we were only there for our first two weeks here in Thailand. But alas, the clinic is like going home for the weekend to us.

But then there's the school. When we first moved into the school, we were positive there was no way the school would ever feel like home. It was just too much living right above where we would be teaching every day. But sure enough, our little studio flat filled with five beds, one kitchen table, two book shelves, one tiny kitchen, and one wardobe--feels homey as ever. (especially with our new curtains).
When we are not at the clinic, or the school you can almost always find us at the garden home. "Mom and Dads" home where we spend many a lazy afternoon swimming and laying out, playing with the adorable puppies, learning to cook Thai dishes, talking to mom in her broken English, listening to dad talk about Thai history and almost always eating all of their food...home. 
Then of course, I started thinking about home in St. George. Growing up, I thought St. George was basically as bad as Fillmore, Utah. I had zero idea as to why anybody would want to live there, let alone vacation there. I just did not get it. But of course, I grew up and my brain grew up and I realized that St. George is literally the best city ever in this world. (Though Phichit Thailand is seriously a contender). Those red hills and clear blue sky with the temple smack-dab in the middle of the city are hard to beat. Gah, I love St. George.

However, I'm rambling again, aren't? My point here is that St. George, the clinc,garden home, the school--while they all feel like home, would never feel like home if it wasn't for the peace and comfort that is felt at all these places. When we got to Phichit, we were all amazed at how quickly we felt that this strange foreign place was home. It feels like home can be one place, and a million places all  at the same time.

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