Oh Hi, I'm a terrible blogger--clearly.

Sometimes blogging in Thailand is like pulling teeth.
I'd much rather lay around on my bed and watch 590843 episodes of the Vamp Diaries.
Which is stupid. So, I, Kaitlen Jensen, hearby pledge to be a better blogger from this point onward.
Because letsss be honest, there is a ton going on here that I do not want to forget.

But in the meantime
Here's a few scenes from what has been going on here in Phichit town as of late. 
We discovered Swensons Ice-Cream
And we eat a lot of it. 
And we are not ashamed. 

Finally met some of Phichit's famous Crocodiles! 

We’ve also discovered a gorgeous park/lake just down the street from us! It only took us about two months—but find it we did. And spend every afternoon there, we do.

Life in Thailand is great!
I can't believe that next week is our half way mark. 
I literally feel like I just got off the plane. 

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