Valentines Day--Thailand Style!

In 2009, I spent Valentines Day alone. After just "breaking up" with Chris. 
And after canceling a date with Wyatt from Social dance, the day of. I just wasn't feelin it. 
I was a brat, I know.  

In 2010, I spent Valentines day blissfully happy with Cameron Dale. 
We spent a weekend watching "Dear John", eating fondue with Katelyn and Bo, 
exchanging gifts, rubbing noses and telling each other how cute the other one was. 
Cute, right? 

In 2011, I spent Valentines doing homework, and sending the missionary a picture of his little family. 
Can't forget the surprise Valentines flowers from Brazil. 
Lonely? A little. 
Once in a lifetime? I sure hope so! 

In 2012, I spent Valentines a little bit differently. 
I spent the night before decorating a school in Thailand chuck-full of hearts,buying treats and making "love-bug" Valentines. 
I spent Valentines this year, with four girls and 25 children that all have a piece of my heart.
And I'll tell you what. 
Valentines 2012, Thailand style? I think has been the best one yet. 

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