
Is it totally cray-cray that I feel like my time here in Thailand is ending at a very rapid pace?
No. Because my time here really is ending at a rapid pace and it's ticking me the H off!
Stop it time. Stop it now.

But today, as I was riding my bike over to the garden home after a Saturday morning of glorious sleeping in, and blasting my music in my little ears, joyful as can be. My thoughts wandered to things I am going to miss like cray-cray when I leave this beautiful little city, aanndd some things I will miss a little less..

  • I am going to miss the kids. Holy cow am I going to miss these kids. They brighten my life in a new way literally every single day. I don't know what I'm going to do without my Mew hugs and Chester's gummy smiles. I do not know what I'm going to do!! Do you hear me?! 
  • I am not going to miss the market street. Okay, that is kind of a lie. Because that market street has so many good memories like the time the tiny child straight up just went potty in the middle of the market, or the time we discovered the bakery with the most heavenly donuts of all time. But I digress, that market street straight up smells like kjafhldskjhfad yes, just like that. It stinks SO BAD. In passing, I literally don't breath for a solid minute due to the wretched smells that abide there. No sir, I will not miss market street....entirely. 
  • I'm going to miss smoothies. K, for real guys, these smoothies from the land of Thai are the best ever. Best dollar I have ever spent, ever! I'm going to especially miss our main smoothie place with Ben and Nan who always treat us like celebrities. Sometimes we talk about what we will miss more...the kids, or the smoothies. Kiiiiiiiding! But seriously, it's going to be rough. 
  • Can't say that I'm going to miss the bugs. When we first got here, there were ants in our room. Tiny little ants that crawled into the cracks of our laptops and ate our Nutella and sour patch kids. Nowww...there are little avid bugs that seriously come in droves. THOUSANDS of bugs a night. After a night bike ride--I may or may not of had to empty my belly-button of these bugs. Yeah, freakin nasty. 
  • I'm going to miss these girls like crazy amounts of missing I tell ya. Since day one, we have become five of the best of friends. We constantly talk about how we still like each other and how there is never an awkward moment between us. I guess when you travel for 36+ hours together, you're kind of forced to get close. Roomie love, is the best kind of love. 
  • I'm not going to miss my top bunk. Who are these crazies that fight for the top bunk and always think that the top bunk is the coveted sleeping quarters. FALSE. So very false. Climbing up that ladder every night may as well be an Everest expedition. I cannot wait for the day when I can climb into my full little bed happy as a little clam. 

Oh, you know. Just getting our groove on at the Croc-Rock. 
Awaiting the "Sweet Mullets" --Yes, that is the name of the band. 
And fearing for our lives as the shim lurked behind us. 
Yes, Shim. She+Him=Shim=terrifying. 

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