Babies having babies.

I was sitting in class yesterday, and my humanities teaching said something about "sobbing with ecstasy" she asked the class if anyone has ever "sobbed with ecstasy" .....silence. Then the gentleman behind me says "yeah, I guess so. My wife just had a baby and I cried because of joy, I guess that is sobbing with ectsasy" ...aww cuuuuttte I think to myself. Then I turn around and see who has spoken, a young kid, probably 2 years older than me! My aww cuuute instantly turned into holy cow! He is a child! I don't know what it is, but lately the idea of getting married so young is absolutely discusting to me. I see all of these YOUNG kids at college sporting the wedding/engagement rings and it is mind boggling! I never thought 20ish was too young, but man o man... I sure do now! Really though? What is the rush? Don't they have stuff they want to do? Don't they want to mooch off mom and dad for a little bit longer? Don't they want to see and do stuff they can't do when they have all the responsiblities of married life, and children!

1 comment:

  1. Be careful what you say. Remember you will only be 20 when Cameron gets home & if you marry him, you will be a baby having a baby!! =)
