Day 23,24,25,26,27

Okay, I know I have been MIA for the last few days...
It could be due to the fact I had unlimited familes here this weekend.
and the fact that I have 238479 papers due this week..
Okay..not that many, but a lot! ... and yes, I should be working on them now. oopsie.
So here I am sports fans, playing catch-up.

Something I crave for a lot:
Hmm.. well right now It's hard for me to think of any food I crave.
I don't feel good.. Booo.
Lately, I have been craving to know
what the heck I want to do with my life.
Where I want to go to school.
Things I want to accomplish.
I thought I had it all figured out.

Last five facebook status updates:
#1: "Sometimes I just really miss the kid!"
#2: "Barnes and Noble is possibly the trendiest place eevvvverr to do homework"
#3: "I don't wanna grow up, I wanna be a Toys R' Us kiiiddd..."
#4: "A successful "black Friday" midnight run with hays, my room full of three of my ridiculously cute nieces, and bugzee boy all cuddled up. Bliss :)"
#5: "Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you ate lots, and spent lots of quality time with family. I know I sure did!"
#6:.... I know it only said five, I know! I just reallly like this one :] "You meet thousands of people, and then you meet one. And your life is changed forever"

What you would find in my bag:
Oh a plethera of things.
Many, Many pens that I accidentally steal from work.
a pretty good assortment of chapsticks/lipgloss.
Sunglasses  I never wear.
My wallet.
Ocassionally my phone, when I don't forget it.
Reciepts. I have a terrible habit of just tossing them in there.
Lifesaver mints.
Gum wrappers.
Usually a book .
Sometimes my calculator.
Don't ask me why I carry that around.

What I think about my friends:
They are hilarious
They are the best.
I never get to see them as much as I want.
Yep, that pretty much sums it up!

Why I am doing the 30 day challenge:
Somtimes I don't know what to say.
This gave me 30 days of things to say!
Why not?

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