
Today I attended a farewell of a friend Derrick Shelly. He has been called to serve in the Spokane Washington mission and reports to the MTC this wednesday! His talk was hilarious and soo him, he will be great! However, when Katelyn first asked me to go I'll admit to my initial reaction being "Ohh no, another farewell" and immediately was taken back to Cams farewell a little over two months ago. I was expecting to be sad and missing Cam like crazy during the whole thing.

What I actually experienced was the complete opposite.
As I sat there, in the midst of couples all around. I was not bitter or sad that Cam was not next to me. I was not missing him like crazy and wanting him home for my own selfish purposes. I was overcome by a ridiculous sense of pride that he was worthy, doing what he should be, and for all of the right reasons out being totally and completely unselfish serving the Lord. It was the best feeling EVER. I know that the Lord truly does look out for us. Even in our somewhat insignificant time of need such as a farewell you feel somewhat nervous about attending. Aw man, I love sundays :]

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