Day 19

Nick Names I have, and why:

Mobile (Mo-Beel): I have no idea why or how I got this nickname but my brother Nate has called me this ever since I can remember. Never once can I even recall him calling me "Kaitlen". He doesn't even know how this nick-name came about!

Kaity-Kat: Pretty much my whole family calls me this. I'm assuming just because it is close to my name.

Sally-Soo: My mom has called me this my whole life! No idea why, not even a fraction close to my name.

Yens: Cam gave me this nick-name a little over a year ago. I don't know how it got started, but it has stuck. He even said that all of his roomates at the MTC don't know me by Kaitlen.. they know me by Yens. :]

1 comment:

  1. Oh Katie Kat, you just wouldn't be you without all those wonderful nick names. The list goes on! xoxox
