Story of my life.

"How do you make it through? You take it one day at a time. You face your fears. You keep your promises. You deal with your challenges. You believe. You talk it over. You laugh. You go ahead and cry. You pray. You hang on to your hope. You live the best life you can today. And when tomorrow comes, you do it again."
-Douglas Pagels.


  1. AMEN sista...that is life, that is how it goes, that is what makes us stronger, that is what builds character, that is what make us who we are and who we will become. It is finding Joy in this Journey no matter what it holds. The good, bad or the ugly. The possibilities are endless & experiences unknown. Isn't it exciting?!?!

    Welcome to the real world. It is oh so bitter sweet, but oh so amazing as well.
    Luv ya!!

  2. You are the cutest! I love when you comment cause I always know you will be full of grand advice. It is exciting :] I just wish sometimes it would slow down! ... Or speed up ;]

  3. What, you don't like when I comment?! Thanks a lot sister who lives by me!:) Your a great writer, I think your going into the wrong career field my dear.

  4. I love it of course sibling! I think you may be right... but here is my philosophy.. Medical field to earn the monies... writing on the side, maybe one a book, more monies! Ehh, ehh?
