
Carrie Underwood says it all . 

Happy Wednesday! 

"Why is nobody sitting on these comfy chairs?"

This Last Saturday Katelyn, Danielle and myself decided to spend the day in Viva Las Vegas. 

We may or may not have made it there in record time. 
We all spent some quality time with our man Caesar. 

Then we schmoozed over the pool boy, 
and snuck into Caesars 8 pools. 
And then got repremanded for laying on the cushion chairs. 
Who knew they had to be "reserved"? 

We hit up the state line and road "Elderado" 
Also known as " Desperado" 
Laughed Theee whole time. 
Lost some sunglasses, and probably broke my neck. 
Well worth it. 
Did a little shopping at the outlets 
and drank a lot  of non-alcoholic beverages in attempts to keep our energy up. 
We ended the night with some Cheesecake Factory and H&M 
We ran into Adam in the forum shops! 
I smiled a little hard. 
We then made our way to the airport to pick up Kenz and Nate. 
Made our way home, and around 3am rolled into town. 
And rolled into bed.

Dear Peter Pan.

Wait, do you see my heart on my sleeve?
It's been there for days on end and
It's been waiting for you to open up
yours too baby, come on now
I'm trying to tell you just how
I'd like to hear the words roll out of your mouth finally
Say that it's always been me

That's made you feel a way you've never felt before
And I'm all you need and that you never want more
Then you'd say all of the right things without a clue
But you'd save the best for last
Like I'm the one for you

You should know that you're just a temporary fix
This is not rooted with you it don't mean that much to me
You're just a filler in the space that happened to be free
How dare you think you'd get away with trying to play me

Why is it every time I think I've tried my hardest
It turns out it ain't enough, you're still not mentioning love
What am I supposed to do to make you want me properly?
I'm taking these chances and getting nowhere
And though I'm trying my hardest you go back to her
And I think that I know things may never change
I'm still hoping one day I might hear you say

I make you feel a way you've never felt before
And I'm all you need and that you never want more
Then you'd say all of the right things without a clue
But you'd save the best for last
Like I'm the one for you

You should know that you're just a temporary fix
This is not rooted with you it don't mean that much to me
You're just a filler in the space that happened to be free
How dare you think you'd get away with trying to play me

But, despite the truth that I know
I find it hard to let go and give up on you
Seems I love the things you do
Like the meaner you treat me more eager I am
To persist with this heartbreak, running around
And I think that I know things may never change
I'm still hoping one day I might hear you say

I make you feel a way you've never felt before
And I'm all you need and that you never want more
And we'll say all of the right things without a clue
And you'll be the one for me and me the one for you 

Girls just wanna have fun.

It's been far too long since a girls night took place.
Partly because it's summer and everybody is all over the place.
Partly because one of our main girls was on a mission.
Maybe because we are just lazy.

But this last week we got our lazy bums together.
Did absolutely nothing. And everything.
And had a stinkin blast.
Until 5:30 am.... allegedly.

Hurry a car is coming! Look like your going to vomit!

Why don't Youuuuu have a placemat?

"If we go to sleep now... It's just going to be the nap from Hell." 

Gummy Bears for Breakfast.

This morning I'm working.
I love my job. However,
I do not love Monday morning shifts.
Especially after working a PM shift.
Noo Bueno.
Instead of focusing on the fact that everybody woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
And everybody wants to pay with Cash this morning.
And I am incredibly tired.
And I just ate 14 gummy bears for breakfast.
I will focus on happy smiley things
Such as...
  • Last night I got to talk to Cams mom for a good little chunk of time. That was wondeful because lately I have been hopelessly Ricker-Sick. And to hear that they had just been talking about me. Made me feel excellent :]
  • Tonight for FHE we are going boating! I am pumped, and the good news is my body has finally recovered from last weeks boating trip.
  • Bugzee has been doing so good at sleeping with me lately. I think he finally understands it is not play time, it is sleepy time.
  • I should be hearing back from ILP here soon! Finally got everything turned in, passport ordered, and things are moving right along.
  • School is right around the corner and I am actually really anxious! I am ready to put my shoulder to the grind and knock that Associates out of the park!
  • Last week was great. Serious, one of the best. I can't believe it is the middle of July already!
  • Cam is doing just peachy down in Brazil. Serious, he is doing so good as senior Comp. and he is soo happy! Time is flying for both of us and I am grateful for that.
  • Today is P-day, meaning I get an email from said Elder today!
Happy Monday!


It happend.
This weekend while Mom and Dad were away, tradgedy struck the Jensen Household. Thursday night Katelyn and I were rushing out the door to go get in line for HP72 (post to come) when we noticed that Bugzee and Tito had made a made dash out of the yard and up the street. Instead of chasing after them.... we just left. Ummm Sorry, but we had to get good seats! We were sure they would be back by the time we got back in the AM.
They were not back.
Worried, but apparently not worried enough we went to bed. I know.. I am terrible. But by this time peeps it was 3am and I had to work at 7! I woke up and left for work... still no pups. I came home around four and there was Tito sitting on the porch. "Shoooot, Tito is here, with no Bugzee" though I was really not suprised because I am 98% sure that Tito is just waiting for his chance to take Bugzee on "a walk" and rid him of the backyard forever. I let Tito inside, grabbed something to eat and then headed out the front door in search of the Bug. But low and behold...
There he was.
Crawling into the house.
Making this incredible noise I had never heard before.
Now, if you know Bugzee.. you know he is a loose cannon. He is all over the place and quite full of energy. I have never seen a dog slither into a house like he slithered. His eyes were all goopy and he smelt like burnt rubber. At first I thought he had been hit by a car and survived because Heavenly Father loves me. But that was not the case..
Bugzee had been skunked.
I spent a good portion of the next day scrubbing the skunk out of the poor boy. It took a good hour or so, one tomato bath, and 3 sudsy oatmeal baths to get most of the smell out. I am happy to report that he is mostly skunk free, happy and healthy. And, he is now somewhat afraid to leave the yard. Which is amazing. AND he got a shiny new collar out of the whole ordeal, so i'd say everybody wins here. 


Recent updates from the post below. 
Said boy was spotted displaying these comments via facebook. 

"The Movies just missed the mark. Not even close to the emotional ride of the books" 

"Ok ok ok, they did a great job on the last movie. I wasnt disappointed like i was on most of the movies. It was well done, and the effects were fabulous." 

I just can't take it! 

You're So Gay and you don't even like boys?

Or do you? 
Seriously Ryan Gosling
It's getting hard to tell. 
  • Do you remember that huge conversation we had about "being honest and straight forward" Yeah that one? Well turns out, you straight lied through your teeth. Hahah lying about being honest? 
  • I'm sorrrry I don't wear sweats all the time. Or want to play volleyball all the time. I'm sorry that I actually expect to be taken out on a Date. 
  • I just want you to spend like... one whole day with a girl! Any girl! QUIT SPENDING SO MUCH TIME WITH MEN! You want to be married in the next two years you said? Good news for you! New York just legalized gay marriage. 
  • You're good looks will only get you so far. Why don't you put a little substance behind that for a change. 
  • Not once did I convey any feelings stronger than a "fling" I didn't and do not want to marry you. Bring that  ego of yours wayyyy down. 
  • Is Ernest Hemmingway reallllly your favorite Author? Or are you just that trendy? 
  • Stop shaving your legs. Definately stop shaving your arms. And when a girl talks about her tan not lasting very long.... good heck, do not suggest multiple lotions she should try that really "lock it in".
  • When you are with a girl... and you are staring at each others eyes don't say.. "You know who has really beautiful eyes?".... and then proceed to tell her the name of a guy.

So here's to our "fling"
Your attraction to men.
And our surely-going-to-be-awkward class together this fall.
Cannot. Wait.


So I am really good at talking about things that make me angry. Or things I find ridiculous. I'm really good at laughing about dumb things, making light of a situation, and talking about happy things. I'm really good at that. However, I am not really good at talking about things that hurt.And I'm not talking about the hurt you get when one of your little toes reaches out and grabs the nearest chair practically  ripping it off your footsie. Nor am I talking about the hurt that comes from finding out that killer pair of shoes you just bought full price, are now on sale, only a week later. Not that kind of hurt. This kind of hurt starts in the head, then it makes its way to your tummy... from your tummy it shoots up to your heart. And it stays there for awhile, until you decide to eventually let it go.

That is basically how I feel today. Makes perfect sense right? Well remember Brad? The said date last week went off without a hitch. Seriously, it was great and there was definately some chemistry. Brad went on vacation after that for the rest of the week, and I got to work. Soo we texted on and off, always light and flirty.. always fun. Well remember said girlfriend of Brads? Today I find out via her blog that she is moving back much sooner than planned. and that their relationship is "Better than ever!"  Greatttt. 

Now peeps... I had one date with the kid. So it's not like I had pegged my hopes and dreams on him just yet... Kidddding. We already know who those are pegged upon. But seriously, it just got me thinking, which is never good. Cam always says that I think too much.

I was definately a "Filler Girl" what is a filler girl you ask? Well, since no guy I am spending time with lately knows about this blog. Let me introduce you to the "Filler-boy" My sister Taylor once said in reference to Cam being gone and me dating "Don't you just feel like all the guys are just filler guys" Absolutely. I have gone into almost every date with the mindset of the "filler-boy" because after all, Cam is coming back... eventually!  I compared like crazy every guy I dated to Cam, and you know what. They never came close. Most of the time. Compare, Compare, Compare... I got a lot of free dinners, fun nights, and "good experiences" but was I really giving them the chance that they deserve?

So today, as I was breathing fire and stomping around the city eating innocent household pets for being the "filler girl" if only for a week I realized I was a total hypocrite. And I realized that feeling like the "filler" and knowing that you are being compared to somebody that he/she dated for 3+ years is totally unfair, and sucky... and a real self-esteem crusher. And it kind of hurts. 

July Goal: Eliminate "fillers" and give every person that wants a chance, a fair one.

Okay, thanks for listening to that rant. Because that's what it was, a rant. I read through it probably 15 times and am still not sure it makes sense.


Someday someone might come into your life and love you the way you've always wanted. If your someday was yesterday, learn. If your someday is tomorrow, hope. If your someday is today, cherish.

What is Kaitlen Grateful for today?

Today I realize I am a fool. 
A fool who locks her keys in her car last night.
in the driveway. 
This fool then went to a movie with Mom and Pop 
"I'll have mom let in my car later" 
Then mom went to work today. 9-5. 
And This fool has to work at 3. 
Well, this is a pickle. 

Today I am grateful for a loving mother. 
Who when her foolish daughter calls her work. 
she simply says.. 
"Your keys are still locked in your car aren't they?" 
..... yesss.... 
"I'll be there in a bit" She says laughing. 

Today I am grateful for a Loving mother. 
Who realizes she birthed a foolish daughter. 
and loves her anyways :] 


I have literally felt like this for weeks. 
My eyebrows have just about developed their own personality. 
But today. 
Today, they were waxed right off. 
Woah, Woah... not allll the way off. 
Just enough to make me feel pretty again! 
"I feel pretty...oh so pretty...." No? Okay. 

Happy Thursday Errrbody! 

Kaitlen had a Baby!

.... Gotcha 
But seriously.. 
I definataly could Have in the time Cam has been gone. 
Thassss Right Folks.. 
9 Fantastic Months Have Passed. 

Is it too soon to be smelling the scent of the year mark? 
As always, he is being awesome. 
Just got Transferred and is now Senior Comp. 
He is sooo happy. 
And that makes for a very happy girl. 

Marry Me?

Clearly, I could not pick just one picture of these guy. Okay seriously.... I am in love. Transformers 3 may have been theeee  longest movie of my life... but Really? I was pleasantly suprised that THREE thats right peeps... THREE of my hollywood boyfriends were out there defeating the decepticons.. (Unless you are Patrick Demsey...Traitor) And boyyy did they look good doing it!
Do I hear Wedding Bells? ... Anyone? Anyone?

Don't mind me...

I don't usually post about first dates... because a first date is really just that, a first date. Nothing spectacular, nothing to report on.  Over the last 9 months, every first date has left me less than enthused for a second date. (With the exception of one... who turned out to be Thee biggest Peter Pan Boy of them all).

Tonight I have a date.
I kind of want to vomit.
I don't know what my problem is.
Nerves I'm sure. But why? I don't get nervous for 1st dates. Ever!
Probably because of The way it all happened...

Let me paint a picture for those of you at home.

Thursday I walk into Moms work to pick her up so I could use her to go to Costco and get my passport pictures taken. (They are cheaper there peeps!) This is not unusual, I often go to Moms work to drop her a smoothie, or just chat, or to pick her up on her lunch break. Not Unusual. It is also not unusual for Larry and Jim, two of my moms co-workers  to tease me and sit around chatting with us. However, the following scene.. I can honestly say I have never experienced in my life, up until this point.

Enter Jim: "Kaitlen, do you need to go on a date?" 
Myself: " Not really! But if you're asking Jim... I will go" 
Jim: "Noo not me, I'm old.. and Fat, and Balding..." 
Myself: "And Married with children..." 
Jim: "My Cousin, Brad. He works here! He just sent his girlfriend away to Maine" 
Myself: .... Laughter. 
Jim: "I'm just going to call him down to my office, just check him out as he walks by. Let me know what you think... and then I will give him your number later" 
Myself: "You have got to be kidding me! No!"
Enter a very diligent looking Brad headed to the Boss's office. 

By this time, Jim..Larry..My mother... and another coworker have all gathered at my Moms desk... Run Brad! Run as fast as you can! 

Clueless Mother having no Idea that I was just supposed to be "Checking Brad out": "Oh Brad! Just ask her for her number and get it over with!" 

*Facepalm, Jaw drop, Eyes Bulge, Fainting, etc. etc* 

Let me now attempt to make an already long story, a little less long. Brad comes over confused as ever as to why there are multiple people telling him to get a complete strangers number. I am bright red. He is so confused.. poor boy. Then everybody just LEAVES! That's right, they set this incredibly awkward scene, and then they just bail. However, Mom is still at her desk attempting to look busy and Brad and I sit there making small talk. Which admitantly was not hard at all . But that is not the point. After about 20 minutes of small talk, Mom pretending to be "busy" but secretly spying, a few different walkie-talkie "Just do it" calls. Brad says "Well, would you like to go out sometime" Right smack dab in front of my mother. Points for the bravery sir.

And so there you have it. Thee most awkward moment to date. I think this even surpasses the time I told a guest at work: " We have you up on the sex floor tonight...... oops, I mean second floor" ... I swear my mind was not in the gutter. It was just a rough night verbally.

I don't know if I want to vomit for One, or all of the following reasons.

  1. The poor kid was basically bullied into taking me out. 
  2. We went to High School together, I never knew him and his girlfriend. But I knew of them. They were that sickeningly perfect-together-we-are-getting-married-and-going-to-live-happily-ever-after. Couple. 
  3. Now, Said girl is in Maine, and he is here.. being forced to take his co-workers kid out. 
  4. He still hasn't told me what time, I am a planner. How am I supposed to plan! 
  5. I have a zit. I don't get zits! And it doesn't help that it is the size of a small person. Greattt. 
Vomit. Vomit. Vomit. Vomit. Vomit. Vomit...... Wish me luck! 

They say it's your Birthday!

Happy Stinkin' Birthday 
To this Man Riiiight hurr... 
Thank you for being the very best daddy a little girl could ever ask for. Your incredible example of complete love, selflessness, and service to your family and those around you does not go unnoticed. I hope one day to find and marry a man who has all the qualities that you possess. Thank you for being one of my very best friends! I hope you have the greatest birthday ever old man! You deserve it :] 


Off to Sleep with the fishes!

And the Bugs. 
And the deer. 
And maybe even some Mountain Lions. 
It's always a suprise. 

Goooodbye STG. 
Helllllooo Family Weekend Camping Trip!!