
I have never been good at decision making.
Never ever. I over-think like nobodies business. I think way too much. It's never easy.

I don't want to say that I don't enjoy the moment while I'm in it. Because I definitely do.
I am loving every minute of my time here in Thailand.
But that doesn't mean that my mind doesn't occasionally wander to two months ahead when I'm home.

When I come home, Cameron has four months left of his mission.
Four Months 
Remember when he just left? I literally thought that 2012 would never come.
And now it's coming faster than I could have ever imagined.
I feel so ready!
And not ready at all.

Recently, I was presented with the idea of going to China in the fall as Head Teacher with ILP.
Basically, all expenses paid. To travel to China. To teach adorable children for 5 months.
Walk on the great wall of China. See the Teracotta Warriors. Visit the forbidden city?
Yes please.

Oh but wait. Remember how I would be gone August-December?
Remember how Cameron comes home in September?
Remember how I'm sure that him adjusting without me would be a great thing for him?
Remember how I'm sure I would hate life for a little bit knowing he was home, and I was in China?
My brain hurts so much from thinking about it.
My mouth hurts from talking about it.
My heart hurts from weighing it all out.
And my knees hurt from praying about it.

I feel like my head is going to explode.
And I feel like my heart is not far behind.

Here's to a lot more thinking.
Much more talking.
And even more praying.

Things Thailand Volunteers Say--Part one.

"Tiger....if you don't stop making noises...I'm taking your pig nose away" 

"Ah rice tonight?" 

"Can I barrow some of your prickly heat powder?" 

"Did you guys hear that gecko laughing last night too?" 


Meeee againnn..... 
Sometimes I get in these thoughtful moods here in the land of Thai. Mostly at night, when we can't turn on our lights or else the bugs will come and attack so we are forced to lay in our beds and be on our lap-tops. So, here I am. Except...I am sitting at the table, with the lights on. Because we just got curtains and for the most part they keep the bugs out! Take that bugs.

But, I digress.. 

As I was sitting here, bug free..I was thinking about home. But really, it stemmed from this weekend when we packed up some essential belongings and peddled our way to the clinic. We go to the clinic on the weekends, because it feels like home. And also, Granny cooks for us--which is always something delicious. But we were talking about how much we love the clinic house, and how much it feels like home to us. Which we all find strange because we were only there for our first two weeks here in Thailand. But alas, the clinic is like going home for the weekend to us.

But then there's the school. When we first moved into the school, we were positive there was no way the school would ever feel like home. It was just too much living right above where we would be teaching every day. But sure enough, our little studio flat filled with five beds, one kitchen table, two book shelves, one tiny kitchen, and one wardobe--feels homey as ever. (especially with our new curtains).
When we are not at the clinic, or the school you can almost always find us at the garden home. "Mom and Dads" home where we spend many a lazy afternoon swimming and laying out, playing with the adorable puppies, learning to cook Thai dishes, talking to mom in her broken English, listening to dad talk about Thai history and almost always eating all of their food...home. 
Then of course, I started thinking about home in St. George. Growing up, I thought St. George was basically as bad as Fillmore, Utah. I had zero idea as to why anybody would want to live there, let alone vacation there. I just did not get it. But of course, I grew up and my brain grew up and I realized that St. George is literally the best city ever in this world. (Though Phichit Thailand is seriously a contender). Those red hills and clear blue sky with the temple smack-dab in the middle of the city are hard to beat. Gah, I love St. George.

However, I'm rambling again, aren't? My point here is that St. George, the clinc,garden home, the school--while they all feel like home, would never feel like home if it wasn't for the peace and comfort that is felt at all these places. When we got to Phichit, we were all amazed at how quickly we felt that this strange foreign place was home. It feels like home can be one place, and a million places all  at the same time.

Meet the Roomies: Shayla

Shayla--or "Sheela" as we affectionately named her, 
was probably my first indication that Thailand was going to be awesome. 
When we met at training it was like friendship at first sight. 
We texted back and forth for the months after training up until our trip 
"How many swim suits are you taking? six too many?" 
"Are you getting shots?" 
"How the heck are you fitting all of your stuff!?" 
You know, things of that nature. 

Shayla and I are the same height. 
We instantly bonded when we arrived here, both pulling out our Dotera essential oils. 
Shayla and I road an elephant together. 
We are both obsessed with the Vampire Diaries 
and both enjoy a delicious bag of pineapple from our friendly fruit lady. 
Shayla and I both enjoy singing one line of a rap song...over, and over, and over again. 
Sometimes we even exchange facebook messages one bunk-bed away from each other. 
Oh yeah, and we are also the best plane/bus buddies because the two of us have zero problem sleeping. 
Mostly because we are not afraid to spoon each other for comfort in our sleeping efforts. 
Yes, we're close. 


Is it totally cray-cray that I feel like my time here in Thailand is ending at a very rapid pace?
No. Because my time here really is ending at a rapid pace and it's ticking me the H off!
Stop it time. Stop it now.

But today, as I was riding my bike over to the garden home after a Saturday morning of glorious sleeping in, and blasting my music in my little ears, joyful as can be. My thoughts wandered to things I am going to miss like cray-cray when I leave this beautiful little city, aanndd some things I will miss a little less..

  • I am going to miss the kids. Holy cow am I going to miss these kids. They brighten my life in a new way literally every single day. I don't know what I'm going to do without my Mew hugs and Chester's gummy smiles. I do not know what I'm going to do!! Do you hear me?! 
  • I am not going to miss the market street. Okay, that is kind of a lie. Because that market street has so many good memories like the time the tiny child straight up just went potty in the middle of the market, or the time we discovered the bakery with the most heavenly donuts of all time. But I digress, that market street straight up smells like kjafhldskjhfad yes, just like that. It stinks SO BAD. In passing, I literally don't breath for a solid minute due to the wretched smells that abide there. No sir, I will not miss market street....entirely. 
  • I'm going to miss smoothies. K, for real guys, these smoothies from the land of Thai are the best ever. Best dollar I have ever spent, ever! I'm going to especially miss our main smoothie place with Ben and Nan who always treat us like celebrities. Sometimes we talk about what we will miss more...the kids, or the smoothies. Kiiiiiiiding! But seriously, it's going to be rough. 
  • Can't say that I'm going to miss the bugs. When we first got here, there were ants in our room. Tiny little ants that crawled into the cracks of our laptops and ate our Nutella and sour patch kids. Nowww...there are little avid bugs that seriously come in droves. THOUSANDS of bugs a night. After a night bike ride--I may or may not of had to empty my belly-button of these bugs. Yeah, freakin nasty. 
  • I'm going to miss these girls like crazy amounts of missing I tell ya. Since day one, we have become five of the best of friends. We constantly talk about how we still like each other and how there is never an awkward moment between us. I guess when you travel for 36+ hours together, you're kind of forced to get close. Roomie love, is the best kind of love. 
  • I'm not going to miss my top bunk. Who are these crazies that fight for the top bunk and always think that the top bunk is the coveted sleeping quarters. FALSE. So very false. Climbing up that ladder every night may as well be an Everest expedition. I cannot wait for the day when I can climb into my full little bed happy as a little clam. 

Oh, you know. Just getting our groove on at the Croc-Rock. 
Awaiting the "Sweet Mullets" --Yes, that is the name of the band. 
And fearing for our lives as the shim lurked behind us. 
Yes, Shim. She+Him=Shim=terrifying. 

Valentines Day--Thailand Style!

In 2009, I spent Valentines Day alone. After just "breaking up" with Chris. 
And after canceling a date with Wyatt from Social dance, the day of. I just wasn't feelin it. 
I was a brat, I know.  

In 2010, I spent Valentines day blissfully happy with Cameron Dale. 
We spent a weekend watching "Dear John", eating fondue with Katelyn and Bo, 
exchanging gifts, rubbing noses and telling each other how cute the other one was. 
Cute, right? 

In 2011, I spent Valentines doing homework, and sending the missionary a picture of his little family. 
Can't forget the surprise Valentines flowers from Brazil. 
Lonely? A little. 
Once in a lifetime? I sure hope so! 

In 2012, I spent Valentines a little bit differently. 
I spent the night before decorating a school in Thailand chuck-full of hearts,buying treats and making "love-bug" Valentines. 
I spent Valentines this year, with four girls and 25 children that all have a piece of my heart.
And I'll tell you what. 
Valentines 2012, Thailand style? I think has been the best one yet. 

Oh Hi, I'm a terrible blogger--clearly.

Sometimes blogging in Thailand is like pulling teeth.
I'd much rather lay around on my bed and watch 590843 episodes of the Vamp Diaries.
Which is stupid. So, I, Kaitlen Jensen, hearby pledge to be a better blogger from this point onward.
Because letsss be honest, there is a ton going on here that I do not want to forget.

But in the meantime
Here's a few scenes from what has been going on here in Phichit town as of late. 
We discovered Swensons Ice-Cream
And we eat a lot of it. 
And we are not ashamed. 

Finally met some of Phichit's famous Crocodiles! 

We’ve also discovered a gorgeous park/lake just down the street from us! It only took us about two months—but find it we did. And spend every afternoon there, we do.

Life in Thailand is great!
I can't believe that next week is our half way mark. 
I literally feel like I just got off the plane. 

Real Life.

I was thinking today, as I laid on my bed watching a movie with Shayla, and Angee and Marci played the ukulele working on their latest arrangement while Dianna napped. This is real life. And sometimes it's exciting, and sometimes it's mundane and boring and sometimes we don't want to leave the school because it's too dang hot! A lot of people think that because we are living in Thailand, we are off on grand adventures every day discovering all sorts of ancient ruins and making all sorts of crazy memories. And we are. Just not every day. The truth is that we spend way too much time of facebook and vidics and far too much time napping. And I have no idea why I felt like I needed to blog this little inkling of mine, but I guess it just helped me realize that even when we are sweltering in our rooms, taking naps for far too long and munching endlessly on fruit and rice---life is good. This crazy little life is incredibly wonderful.

Happy Wednesday Everybody! 

Chiang Mai

I'm fully aware that I am a slacker.
But give me a little break, eh?
I'm in Thailand for goodness gracious! And one of the last things I want to be doing is blogging.
But I will.
You're welcome.
And you're welcome too, posterity.

Destination: Chiang Mai 
When: Two weekends ago. 
Mode of Transportation: Car, Bus, Tuk-Tuk. 
On the Agenda: White water rafting, elephant riding, waterfall trekking, bungee jumping, shopping, eating. 
Who: Ms. Dianna and her fun babies. 


Chiang Mai was seriously incredible.

164 ft.

Here it is. What you have all been waiting for. 
A semi-humiliating/semi terrifying to watch video of my leap from 164ft. 
No mind that I basically look like rag doll being tossed around up there. 
That right there, was some definite ankle breakin' fun. 
For real though...I thought my ankle was broken. 
But annnnyways, here it is! 

Do however, pay attention to a few select things: 
#1: The kind, Asian/foreign lady who totally backs me up multiple times. 
#2: My arms up, out, in, out....jussst a little bit nervous. 
#3: The girls extreme concern for the headband that falls from my head. Roomie love I tell ya.