37 Minutes in Heaven?

It happend.
I slept...a little.
I had unlimted dreams that he called.
and I missed it.
I woke up at 6:15...
Checked my phone to make sure it was on.
(I knew very well it was on and on full blast)
Rolled back over, tried to sleep/wait.
Checked my phone again.
Dozed in and out.
Tossed and turned.
Worried he'd forgotten about me.
Worried they were running late and he didn't have time to call.
Worried they decided to not let them call.
Worried, worried, worried.
Phone Rings.

Cue Cameron Laughter
"It's just me Yens!"
..cue me trying to stiffle tears.
I laugh.
We pick up right where we left off.
Felt like we didn't skip a beat.
"Ah, I'm so happy to be talking to my girl!"
...Cue more conversation and laughing.
...Cue Dad talking to Cam for a second.
"Well, I have to get going"
...Cue MORE goodbyes.
...Cue tears.

Ahhh such a happy morning!!
He sounds so happy and excited.
Could not be a luckier girl :]

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