The Ghost of Christmas Past

As I sit here on Christmas Morning....
at work.
 I can't help but long to have the Christmas of my youth back!
 Gone are the days when I dreamed of sugar plumbs.
Gone are the sleepless Christmas Eve nights.
Forget the Santa letter writing and careful display of cookies.
Now we sleep in instead of wake up at dawn.
Now there are only 3 of us, instead of 8.
No more riding scooters with the neighborhood kids
all the day long with our new scooters.
No, now I have to work.
Bummer. This is the worst ever!
All hope is not lost.
I've found that as I get older and older,
gone is the "I want" "me,me,me" attitude.
And giving, is actually alot more fun than recieving.
Who would have thought? ;]
I do really love this time of year
for so many reasons.
I will openly admit to being incredibly jealous
of the doe eyed, believing childrens.

Merry Christmas everyone!!

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