
As this year comes to a close,
 I feel as if I should give you a month-to-month recap,
 of all (Okay, some) of the incredibly interesting events that have happend this year!

  • Started off the year right with a fun trip to Vegas with Cam, his parents and Jared!
  • Tay Tay had an unfortunate event with her poor Filopian tubes, mom to the rescue!
  • Started rehersals for spring Dance Co. concert. And the long hours began...
  • Took advantage of a free weekend I had off, suprised Cam up in Salt Lake. Got him SO good!
  • Kaycieta Marita turned 3, Erie Mack turned 2!
  • Started Seconds semester of college (Concurrently)
  • Continued with dance rehearsals and school trying to juggle everything.
  • Worked long and hard on valentines DVD for the boy.
  • Boy comes to visit for Valentines weekend! Sooo fun. Lots of memorable adventrues.
  • J-Jack turned 5, B-Rice turned 3!
  • Stressssing begins of where to attend college. Applications due already?
  • Keeks Birfday! I believe she turned...31? Oh man no idea.
  • Kept on keepin on..
  • Crunch time! Dance Co. in about a month, seriously?
I feel like march was pretty uneventful...

  • Dance Co. trip last minute up to the U for a tour and a few classes. (def. snuck Cam on that..shh..)
  • School winding down, finals week for college. First year completed! Whoop!
  • Took CNA written test... PASS! Yahooo!
  • Took CNA skills test....faill.... Booo...
  • Cam lands internship for the Governor!!
  • Cam and his mom visit STG for dance concert and senior prom!
  • Last Dance Co concert EVER...Cried like a baby! Miss those girls!
  • Moms Birthday! (I will not disclose her age on here for fear of punishment)
  • Nathans Birthday! ... why can I never remeber my siblings ages?
  • Masons Birthday!
  • Nates Birthday!  
  • Jacquelines day of birth!
  • Graduation!! Forever and always done with High School!
  • Hay Bays Birfday! 10 whopping years old!
  • Lootttts of free time=lottts of laying out.
  • Oh! I got a new phone this month too.
  • Ittt was also my birthday month!! 18! I'm legal!
  • Traveled with Cam to Idaho to open his call!
  • Flew on the Taco Bell Plane, prettty sweet.
  • Lots, and Lots of job hunting.
  • Mothers day!
  • Started working at the Marriott! New friends!
  • Juggling work, Summer fun, family, church, the boy, EVERYTHING. Took some effort.
  • Road Tripped with Katelyn to Kanab for a fun filled day of absolutely nothing.
  • Pretty sure Cam Came down this month. Yes, he definately did.
  • Spent an incredibly fun day in Zion with Katelyn, Bo and Cam. Doing pretty much everything.
  • Layed out... tee-he :]
  • Fathers day!
  • Fathers day of birth! 60 years old! Holy smokes..
  • Took a weekend off and road tripped with Cam to Idaho for a weekend! .. Happy 1 year! ;]
  • First drive in movie ever!
  • Brunswick Ricker was born/created in the Build-a-bear workshop.
  • Jillians Birfday!
  • Started getting ready for school to start, kiinda.
  • Cams internship ends, he moves back to Idahoo.. booo!
  • Cam comes down to visit STG, we paint my room! ... in like 24 hours. I was a bit of a Nazi.
  • Work, Work, Work.
  • Katelyn, Bo and I venture up to Salt lake, meet Cam and have a very wonderful weekend playin in Salt Lake.
  • School Starts... helllooo freshman year. At Dixie.
  • Colies Birthday!
  • Cams Birfday!
  • Bugzee is adopted into the Ricker/Jensen family!
  • School, School, School.
  • Cam starts getting all ready for his mission! 2 months left!
  • Not much happens this month.
  • School, Work, Friends, Family, School, School...
  • Girls trip up to Park City! Swiss days!
  • September 12th, Dad, Mom and I fly to ID for Cams farewell weekend!
  • Already?
  • October 5th I suprise Cam in provo to see him off!
  • October 6th, "Elder Ricker" enters the Provo MTC!
  • October 8th, first letter!!!
  • Tays Birthday!
  • Christians Birthday!
  • Work, work,
  • Jason Derulo October 12th with sissys!
  • New friends!
  • Lottts of letters.
  • Thanksgiving!! Whole family here, so nice :]
  • Dyed my hair verrry blonde.
  • Getting ready for the end of the semester, finals week!
  • Triathon date comes...and goes.. Next year!
  • Confused as to what the heck I want to do with my life.

  • Finals week, comes and goes!
  • Fun weekend up in SLC with all of the family.. minus the boys :[
  • Christmas vacation!
  • Playing Santa.
  • Nathan gets meningitus... poor guy!
  • Gavins Birthday!
  • Katelyns Birthday! (and 1 year "anniversary" with Bo)
  • December 7th...Cam Leaves Provo MTC! I get to SPEAK to him!!
  • Kaitlen blogs about all of 2010's events.

So there it is sportsfans, 2010 in a tiny nutshell. Looking back, this year has been perfect. So much has changed, plans didn't always go as planned. Yes, things definately changed. I would say most things changed for the better though. I would not change this year for anything. This is not everything that happened, so many more little things contributed to this year being absolutely amazing. I can not wait for the new year, to see what it brings and to set new goals, and then hopefully, this time next year be able to look back on another amazing year!


  1. Journal keeping at it's finest! Loved! I want to see pics of your room!

  2. Great Recap! I think I will do this myself!
    I too want to see pics of the room, I hear it is DARLING!!
