Tonight's things.

Things I am excited for:
- Finals to be ovvver.
-More specifically, political science to be ovver.
-Next weekend up north with my family!
-Work Party on monday.
-Watching baby Gav on Saturday.
-Friday/Saturday OFF this weekend! whoop.
-A letter from San Diego.
-Christmas of course.
-A New Year.
-A monthish off of school.

Things I am grateful for:
-My job, seriously I love everyone I work with!
-My bed. Aren't beds just soo much more comfortable in the winter?
-That no police have pulled me over yet because of my expired plates...fingers crossed!
-Friday being the last class with my awful humanities teacher from H.E double hockey sticks.
-The fact that I finally made a small dent in my christmas shopping.

Things I miss:
-I miss how completely exciting Christmas used to be. I miss being little!
-I miss high school school work. Why did we think college would be so much better?
-I miss my teeth not hurting!
-I miss the boy. lots.
-I miss the warm St. George weather. And my tan that is always coupled with that.

Things I wish for:
- That I was more sure about things.
....yep, that's pretty much it :]

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